Low Back Pain? 6 Ways to Heal Yourself


Maybe it’s a dull ache… 

Or perhaps a burning sensation… 

It could even feel like a pinch… 

Whatever your low back pain feels like, you don’t have to suffer. 

You no longer have to go throughout your day feeling the pain and agony erupting at the bottom of your spine. There are simple tools that you can use to take your healing into your own hands

If you’d like to learn about a Reiki hand position to soothe aching muscles, a yoga pose to relieve tension in your back, and an innovative new way to decompress the spine, then you’re in the right place. 

I’m about to give you not just one, but six different ways that can help you can find relief from whatever kind of pain is bothering your low back. 

Let’s start with my personal favorite, and my area of expertise… 

Reiki Healing 

Reiki is a powerful healing method that works with the energy centers in your body, called Chakras. You can receive healing from a Reiki practitioner, or you can learn how to use Reiki on yourself

Reiki Healing

In Reiki, there are many different hand positions that you’ll learn to target specific areas of the body. Today, I’ll share with you the most effective hand position for that nagging pain at the bottom of the spine. 

Please note that this hand position is for self-healing. Using Reiki to heal another person requires a different set of hand positions. 

This hand position can be done while you are sitting or laying down, and will also help relieve stress. 

Place your palms at the base of your spine. Your fingertips should be pointing down in a “V” towards your tailbone. Once your hands are in this position, close your eyes and allow yourself to connect with the universal energy

If you’re not familiar with Reiki, I created these special Full Body Healing Sessions that anyone can use. Just follow along with the step-by-step guides to boost your healing abilities. 

Thousands of people have used this system to heal their body, mind, and spirit. Click here to learn more. 

Full Body Healing Sessions

While Reiki targets the energy in your body, this next method will target your muscles… 

Strengthen Your Core to Protect Your Low Back

Your low back and your core often work together to help your body move into various positions throughout your day. The muscles in your core and low belly support the muscles in your low back. 

Low back pain can sometimes result from having weakened core muscles. When the core muscles aren’t as strong as they could be, the low back tries to compensate and overexert itself. This is when the pain can surface. 

To allow more spacious opening and relaxation through the back body, focus your strength training on the muscles in your core. 

My advice is to steer clear of some of the more traditional core exercises like crunches and situps. The movements you perform in these exercises can increase the pressure on the discs in your spine and cause them to stretch and compress unnaturally. 

Instead try these exercises. Remember, while moving through them, focus on engaging your low belly and pulling your belly button to your spine. This will allow you to relax through your low back. 

One of the best exercises to fire up your core is plank. This exercise is accessible to almost everyone, no matter what your previous exercise experience is. 

Plank Pose

Plank can be done a number of different ways. The traditional form is shoulders stacked over wrists, creating one long line from the top of the head back through the heels. For some people who have wrist issues, dropping down to the forearms will make the shape much easier to sustain. Just make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders. 

And if you’re just starting out, you can come down to your knees as well. Just make sure that you are keeping your spine nice and long while pulling your belly button to your spine so that your core muscles are engaged. 

Strengthening your core can help to prevent future injuries in your spine, as well as relieve pain that is already occurring

This next method has gained popularity over the last few years and is raved about by many. 


Like Reiki Healing, acupuncture works with the energy in your body. It’s an ancient practice from Chinese medicine that many people have found effective for alleviating their aches and pains in various parts of their bodies. 

Acupuncture targets different meridians, lines of energy flow, in your body and inserts very thin needles into specific points. 

While the thought of being poked by needles may sound like more discomfort, it is actually quite painless. The needles are so small that you can barely feel them. 


Even though they are small, they can have a big effect on your energy. Like Reiki, Chinese medicine believes that energy can become stuck or imbalanced in your body, and this is what causes many illnesses and physical pain. 

By placing the needles into your meridians, acupuncture can improve the flow of your energy, also called “Qi,” to bring your body back into a healthy, balanced state. 

If you decide to try out acupuncture, there are several different places that your acupuncturist will target to help relieve the pain in your low back. You may think that you’ll only have needles in your low back, but there are many different meridians that connect into this area of your body. 

Common acupuncture points for pain in your lower back include: 

  • Lower back 
  • Feet
  • Hands
  • Back of the knees
  • Hips 
  • Stomach

Many research studies have shown how effective this method of pain relief can be, especially for your low back. But 

If you’d prefer to be able to take your healing into your own hands, l created these Full Body Healing Sessions that you can take with you anywhere. Listen to these audio guides to find out exactly how you can release negative energy from your body, and unlock your full potential. 

Click here to learn more about this proven tool for fast healing.  

Full Body Healing Sessions

Acupuncture can be a relaxing solution to your pain. But some of us like to be a little more active… 

Try Out Some Yoga 

You may have heard of all the benefits you can get from taking up a regular yoga practice, from lower stress levels and increased strength, to better overall quality of life. 

There are tons of yoga poses that are great for relieving your low back pain, some of which may not have occurred to you before. 

Typically, when a person is struggling with back pain, the first thing you think of is stretching out your back. And that is a great idea! But there are also a few other body parts that can contribute to low back pain that you may want to consider spending some time on. 

Let’s start with the obvious. Try stretching your low back with a supine twist. Here how to do it...  

On your back, hug both knees into your chest. From there, bring your arms out by your sides in a “T” shape. Then let both of your knees fall to your right so that you feel a stretch in your left side body. 

Make sure that you keep both of your shoulders pressing into the earth. Your knees may not touch the floor, so you can have a pillow or blanket handy to help prop your legs up and make the stretch more comfortable. 

Yoga for Back Pain

Twisting is a spinal motion that most people don’t get to do in their everyday life. Think back on your day… You’ve probably engaged in extension (folding forward) and flexion (arching back), and maybe even some bending from side to side. These are all movements that occur throughout the day whether it’s when you reach down to pick up something off the floor or you’re leaning across the table to grab something. 

Be sure to add some twisting into your day to relieve any pain and help keep your spine healthy. 

In addition to stretching the spine, you may also want to target your hips and hamstrings. When these muscles are tight, your body’s range of motion is limited and this can cause your low back to try to compensate for the tight muscles in your legs. 

Try butterfly pose for your hips:

Sitting on the floor, bring the soles of your feet together and draw them in toward your groin. As you lengthen your spine and draw the top of your head up to the ceiling, start to hinge at the hips while maintaining a flat back. 

Try staff pose for your hamstrings:

Sitting on the floor, stretch both legs straight out in front of you and press your heels away from you. Once again, grow a little bit taller through your back body and start to hinge at the hips as you fold forward any amount. 

These two stretches can help release tension in the hips and hamstrings so that your body feels more spacious and mobile, allowing the low back to relax a bit more. 

These are simple stretches that you can do at home. But if you prefer going to a class, I suggest starting out with a gentle class as opposed to a vinyasa or flow class. Those classes tend to be more fast paced and include more advanced postures like handstands. 

But this next back pain remedy actually advocates for flipping upside down… 

Investigate Inversion Therapy 

When you think of inversions, headstands, handstands, and being upside down are probably some of the first things that come to your mind. And that’s exactly what occurs in inversion therapy. 

An inversion is any time that your hips are higher than your heart. In this treatment method, you are suspended, either by a machine or your own muscles, upside for a length of time. 

This position is said to relieve tension in the spine because it reduces the amount of pressure on your back. 


The force of gravity keeps you tethered to the earth, but sometimes that force can take a toll of your spine. When you turn the body upside down, gravity is no longer compressing the bones, joints, and muscles that work together to hold your body upright. Allowing the spine to be in this altered state of gravity also helps to increase the circulation to the back. 

There are many different ways that you can invert yourself, some of which require special equipment. You can also do a handstand or headstand if you know how. But if you’re like me, you’ve probably never tried either one. 

The easiest and safest way to get into an inversion is to get into a supported legs up the wall position. To do this, you’ll need some sort of prop or support to place underneath your hips. A few pillows, a yoga block, or even a nice pile of folded blankets can help get your hips higher than your heart so that your spine can reset. 

Once you have your prop, place it on the floor right next to an open wall space where you can put your feet up. Then, sit up on your prop with one side of your hip touching the wall. You’ll start to bring your legs parallel to the wall as your back comes down to the floor. Readjust yourself so that your hips are supported by your prop and your bottom is as close to the wall as you can get it. You can rest your straight legs against the wall as you relax your upper body. 

If traditional forms of exercise are more your speed, then check out this next way to heal your pain… 

Revamp Your Exercise Routine 

Many people believe that they shouldn’t exercise at all when they have back pain. They falsely believe that rest is the best treatment. 

While you don’t want to be engaging in strenuous activities, adding some movement into your day can be extremely helpful in relieving your back pain. 


Whether you like to walk, swim, or bike, you can engage in a low impact activity to get your muscles moving and release tension in the body. 

When you are still for long periods of time, the muscles can become stiff and less flexible. And this stiffness leads to a decreased range of motion in your body that increase your chances of having pain. 

Creating an exercise routine that works for you will allow your body to get some much needed movement, and it will also create happy, feel-good endorphins!

Instead of grabbing a pill to treat your pain, exercise will allow you to go the natural route by releasing the hormones that your body creates to relieve pain. Endorphins have many jobs including: 

  • Blocking pain signals from reaching your brain 
  • Reducing anxiety and stress that can worsen your pain 
  • Fighting depression that is commonly associated with long-term pain

Back problems can also lead to pain in other parts of the body. If you’re looking for something that you can use for both your back and your entire body, these Full Body Healing Sessions will allow you to heal yourself from head to toe. 

It’s like having your own personal Reiki Master to walk with you on your journey to healing. Click here for more information. 

Full Body Healing

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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