Boost Your Chakras With Archetypes


Need a Chakra boost? 

There are many methods to balance and boost your Chakras...

...but one of the most relatively uncommon methods is the simplest.

It only requires a basic understanding of Archetypes and their corresponding energies.

Now, this subject could get dragged into a long and huge debate about technical issues like terminology, definitions, etc...but to save the debate, I've simplified the structure so that it is easy to understand.

Besides, if you do want to read more in-depth about Archetypes, you can find out more by reading this article here.

Let's get right into it...

Archetypal Energies

When you were born, you weren't just born with a personality... were born with an Archetype.

This Archetype sets up the stage for how you approach things, certain characteristics or traits, and even ways of dealing with pain and trauma.

Some cultures call these horoscopes, spirit animals, or star points - but whatever you call them, they're all relatively the same.

Where Archetypes differ, however, is the degree of influence that they have on your life.

According to some scholars, Archetypes are directly structured from your energetic system.

Whereas horoscopes and spirit animals are based on things located externally from us, our archetypal energies are formed on our internal system.

This makes one's archetypal energy that much more powerful - it resides within us and has (for most people) been lying dormant, waiting to be used.


Now, because everyone's energetic system is different and individualized, it would make sense that there would be hundreds of different types of archetypal energies.

This is an extent.

The difference between archetypal energies isn't so much of a difference in kind than a difference in degree.

In other words, certain patterns emerge across many different individual archetypal energies that one could go so far and classify them under one group.

Some will argue that this is an oversimplification, but it becomes much easier to understand when you compartmentalize things in this way.

If this is confusing to you, again, you can always do more research by reading this article here.

Waiting to know what your specific Archetype is? 

Take the FREE Archetype Quiz here to get your result IMMEDIATELY after taking it!

When I got mine...I was blown away. It was speaking directly to me!

Get your report here:

 archetype report

Now, onto the next step...

Chakras & Archetypal Energies

Now that you understand the basics of archetypal energies, it's time to tie the knowledge together with the Chakras.

Each Chakra houses a certain Archetypal energy, and this energy manifests itself in times of need or distress.

In very extreme cases, archetypal energies become their polar opposite - this can lead to pain, frustration, anxiety, and a whole host of other problems.

To master archetypal energies then... to be able to boost your Chakras at will and on command.


Imagine having a superpower that you could train to protect yourself, heal yourself, and master your mind all at once!

Mastering your archetypal energies through practice is one of the best ways to do this.

In this blog post, I'll show you how to use these archetypal energies to positively affect your Chakras almost immediately.

I'll be covering three exercises that you can use to charge, energize, and boost your Chakras.

With a little bit of practice, you can feel completely renewed as a human being...

...and begin living life peacefully, the way that you've wanted to for so long.

Note: I can't possibly cover every little thing in this article here, so make sure that you check out this FREE Archetype Quiz that will help you determine your primary or main Archetype. 

I was a bit shocked when I got my result - it read me like a book.

Click here to take the quick 5-minute quiz today to learn exactly what Archetype you are!

 archetype report

Now let's get into the practice...


If you're feeling a slump in energy, it could be a result in over or underuse of your Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus Chakras.

We overuse these Chakras when our minds become pre-occupied with what is happening down there vs. what is happening across the body.

A good example of this is when you are overcome with lust or hunger.

We underuse these Chakras when we pay too little attention to them and their purpose for our lives.

This may cause us to have anxiety, to feel like no one wants us, etc.

The first goal is to balance between these two extremities so that we avoid extreme feelings of pain or discomfort.

The second goal is to charge them so that in the case that we encounter a situation where this is unavoidable, our Chakras will remain unclogged and clear.


It is the ultimate way to safeguard yourself from future pain, discomfort, or trauma that initiates from the lower three Chakras. 

If that sounds a bit too technical, just remember to keep these Chakras charged in case anything happens.

Now, the dominant archetypal energy in this area is the Earth Mother (Father if you are male). 

To master this archetypal energy is the equivalent of putting your Chakras through a very strong charger - think of it as a generator for an electric current through your system.

It allows you to unclog, restore, and safeguard your Chakras from harm.

Here's one exercise that you should do to begin this process of mastery:

Start by sitting on the floor with a soft surface. A yoga mat is perfectly fine.

Sit into the widest split that you can without strain. 

Point your toes upward and reach your hands overhead.

Begin to breathe through your stomach and reach over as much as you can.

Continue breathing through your stomach as you lower down. Keep your hands overhead.

Now, close your eyes and direct the breath into the three Chakras.

Imagine them opening up and discharging negative energy and your breathe as the cleanser.

Feel the nuturuing spirit of the breath as it cascades throughout your energetic system and relieves you of your pain.

Stay here in this position for one minute and sit back up.

Do this everyday until it becomes easier and easier to sit with your legs flat.

If you feel a pain in your legs, you are sitting way too far - bring your legs closer.

Next, we'll work on energizing our Chakras...


What's the difference between charging and energizing our Chakras?

Charging allows us to recover and safeguard our Chakras, whereas energizing allows us to perform at the highest possible levels that we can.

Think of one as the shield and the other as the sword.


The other difference is that energizing the Chakras is extremely correlated with the Heart & Throat Chakras, because we generally feel and speak more with these than the others.

In fact, these Chakras together constitute more than half of our daily interactions with people - the others constitute our interaction with ourselves.

When these Chakras are overused, we can feel extremely drained and irritable.

When these Chakras are underused, we can feel isolated and vulnerable.

Such is a reflection of the Warrior archetype, who is typically self-sufficient and can fight their own battles. 

The energy from this archetype will serve you well if you are planning to do something that requires high performance.

To invoke such archetypal energy, follow the guidelines below:

Start by standing with your legs shoulder-width apart.

Begin to shake our entire body as if you were being zapped with electricity.

Start slow first - you might feel ridiculous, but you are 'shaking' loose the remaning energy in your system (think of it like shedding dead skin sells) - and begin to ramp up speed after one minute.

As you are shaking, breath comfortably into your nose and out through your nose to energize the Heart & Throat Chakras.

After about 3 minutes or so, begin crawling on the ground as if you were a child.

This grounding exercise will help your body acclimate to the new energy through usage. 

By moving your body, you create the conditions necessary to energize the Chakras.

Crawl for 5-10 minutes and rest by sitting when you are down.

You should feel as though you ran a marathon (even though you didn't) and have more energy to call upon the day.


Whereas the other two (Charge & Energize) focus on bringing your Chakras up to speed with archetypal energies...

...boosting your Chakras simply means to increase their capacity even more.

Think of it like weight training - if you've just gotten back from an injury, you want to rehabilitate the location of the injury as much as possible.


However, once you are recovered or safe from harm's way, you can start to improve your condition from the baseline.

The same principle applies to your Chakras.

You can be satisfied with how your Chakras are at the moment...but if you know that they can be better, then that's when you need a boost.

The Chakras that are most associated with this principle are the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Because these Chakras are extremely metaphysical, you need to be able to do a small amount of metaphysical work in order to understand them at any given time.

Let's practice using the following exercise:

Stand up and hover your hands over your Crown and Third-Eye Chakras.

Begin to channel Reiki into the palms of your hands (using Su Jane's TW)

Wave your hands in concentric circles across the two Chakras until you feel a warm situation happening in the Third-Eye & Crown Chakras.

Observe and make the following saying or something similar to yourself:

"I am a master of my destiny, and this is not what I magine it to be."

Once you make that statement, feel the warmth in your Crown and Third-Eye Chakras.

This may give you the mental push you need to figure things out.

If you're done with this process and still want more, check out this FREE archetype quiz that you can use to get your Archetype in less than 5 minutes!

Thousands have used it so far already...

...with AMAZING results.

I can't believe how many times I've heard about this system...and now that I've been through it, my life is completely changed.

Read it now!

archetype report

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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