The Reiki Essentials Kit

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When you first begin your journey into Reiki, it can be difficult to figure out where to start or begin.

You don't know when there is too much information...

...and at the same time, it's hard to figure out what you need.

A lot of people will tell you to research on the history of Reiki, its foundations, and philosophical tenets of Reiki and this is perfectly fine.

But if you want to start healing now, you can always refer back to the history after you've learned how it works first.

It's like any other pursuit of passion or hobby - take Martial Arts for example.

Very few people start learning Martial Arts because they want to go on an introspective journey or learn about the fascinating history of different Martial Arts.

They learn because they want to defend themselves.

After learning some movements and self-defense, they can begin the journey of the martial artist.

It's the exact same way in Reiki as well.

You need to know (and get) the right information to get you started as soon as possible so that you can experience the most benefits from Reiki as possible. 

You can save all of the other stuff for later.

In this blog post, I'm going to do something that people have been asking me for ages, which is to answer the following question...

"what Reiki products or sources do you recommend to a complete beginner?"

I've always had a tough time answering this question because every beginner has a different set of goals and objectives.

Some want to heal illness...

Others want to lose excess fat or heal obesity...

And others may want to heal a damaged relationship...

But after spending some time thinking about what I would recommend to someone, I really had to go back to the original source of Reiki, Dr. Mikao Usui.

Reiki, as a healing system or modality, is meant to give an individual the tools to either heal themselves or others through deliberate energy work.

Even though every person's total objective is different, this truth remains largely the same

Knowing that most people want to heal themselves (or others) through Reiki allows me to concentrate on the best resources that I can recommend to an individual who begins this practice.

The following list isn't comprehensive or listed in any particular order, but it is a great starting point for those who are looking to master the essentials of Reiki.

I've personally vetted and used these resources and tools extensively. As you all may probably know, I'm highly selective of the things I share or recommend because I maintain a high standard when it comes to Reiki. 

Now, I could write about the entire Kit I've developed, but that would make this post way too long... if you want to see the entire Kit itself, go to the page here to see the entire Essentials Pack.

There are also some other cool Kits that I've developed if you want to get started with things like Chakras or general energy work

Without further ado - here are the top 4 recommendations for Reiki products or tools that every Reiki practitioner should have:

The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui

Japanese Rocks, Dr. Mikao Usui

I can't stress the importance of learning Reiki from the source who created it. 

Now don't get me wrong - there are many branches of Reiki out there, and some are very good at what they do.

But there's nothing like the experience of the Original Usui Method of Reiki. This book outlines Dr. Usui's journey and the different positions, techniques, and modalities he personally used to develop this practice. 

There are a few things missing from the original text, as well as some errors in translation, but overall, this book is still exceptional for how it shows the brilliance of Dr. Usui.

Besides the text, the book also comes with hundreds of photos to help you understand the difference between nuanced positions and healing techniques.

The pictures are kind of small if you use a Kindle, but if you order the paperback, the photos are as clear as day.

Many issues, aihealth lments, and conditions that can specifically be treated with Reiki are also talked about in detail to give you the tools to begin healing yourself and others. 

In fact, every Reiki Master should have this book in their arsenal, even if they've branched off from the Usui Method. It's simply that good and powerful.

I've made incredible insights from this book if you couldn't get anything else, this is a top contender.

I'm actually surprised that more people don't have it in their library - and you'd be surprised to see who doesn't!

It's currently available on Amazon and can be purchased here or through the Reiki Infinite Healer Kit.

Whether you're a Reiki Master or just starting out, this handbook is an invaluable resource and reference guide for the years to come. 

The Ultimate Guide To Connecting With Reiki Energy

Connect with Reiki Energy

This free guide is top-notch, and not just because I developed it myself.

It's based largely on the Usui Method with some modifications and adaptations to the present day time.

The original handbook tells you different hand positions and techniques, and this guide will show you exactly how you can begin to invoke Reiki energy into your life.

You see, you can do all the hand positions you want - but if you never invoke Reiki energy, you'll never get beyond the 'basics' of Reiki.

That's why I developed this guide to show you exactly how you can do it and improve on it in your own time. 

Inside of the Ultimate Guide To Connecting With Reiki Energy, you'll find a way to use the "Infinite Light" Visualization, as well as some cool tips that I've learned over the years in improving your Reiki practice... a simple trick to amplify your healing energy in 34 seconds or less.

It may sound too good to be true, but I promise you that it's not. 

I give away these things for free because I know you can make use of them and start your healing journey right away.

In fact, many of my students who have studied or learned from me say that this guide was their starting point in Reiki...

...and they're glad that they chose to follow and study under someone who does Reiki correctly. 

Remember that this guide is free...for now. 

Other masters would gladly charge you $250 or more for this kind of information.

But because I want to be generous and recommend this to beginners, I offer it to you for free. 

Download it here: The Ultimate Guide To Connecting With Reiki Energy

Reiki Symbol Stones


As you progress in your Reiki studies, you will eventually run into the mystical Reiki Symbols.

However...this does not mean that you cannot make use of them now. 

You can always start and master them along the way.

On a side-note, for some reason or another, a lot of so-called Reiki Teachers say that you're not allowed to learn or use Reiki Symbols until you're "ready..." if Reiki Symbols are supposed to be so secretive that no one can use them.

Don't believe in this rule - if you ever see someone saying that you can't learn the Reiki Symbols, they're lying to you.

It's true that you need an attunement to be able to use them effectively...

...but you don't need to keep Reiki Symbols on the down low. They exist, and more people should use them.

These stones that I recommend have the symbols engraved on them so that you can learn how to recognize each one and what they stand for.

They're great for protecting you in times of need or when you need to cleanse certain objects or energies from your life.

I use and carry these around with me at all times to safeguard myself from psychic attacks and impurities that affect the Aura. 

It's been working great so far, and I intend to keep using them until they wear out and need to be replaced.

I've had these specific set of stones with me for almost 4 years now...and they show very little wear. You'll definitely get more value out of this set than many others available on the market.

You can order them on Amazon or take a look at the Reiki Essentials Kit here to order it with everything else.

The RIH Home Course

I was initially reluctant to include this on the list because I don't want to be self-serving.

But after hundreds of thousands of people told me how much they benefitted from taking the course and becoming certified healers themselves...

...I just had to recognize how powerful and strong the course I developed is.

The amount of people who have used it and begun their own journey as a Reiki healer is a testament to how good the program really is.

I've even had Reiki Masters take the course and tell me how there were certain things and details about Reiki that they missed or didn't think of before. 

For people who are just starting, I guide you through Level 1 all the way to Level 3 and teach you exactly how to begin the process of Reiki, even if you have no experience with it whatsoever.

There's even certifications that you can take to see where your knowledge currently stands so that you can start healing others immediately.

The great thing about this course that is different from others is that you can do it on your own time. 

Learning from a Reiki Master personally would require years of training and study...and believe me, I've done this before! 

I don't want you to repeat the same path as I did. There are easier ways to achieve what you want to achieve, and I've designed this course to do that for Reiki Healers all around the world. 

The course includes tons of free bonuses as well because I love giving extra value when I can. 

I will say - it's only for people who are serious about their Reiki journey. If you don't want to heal yourself and jeopardize your health, then by all means, look elsewhere.

However, if you want to get rid of those annoying aches and pains, remove your emotional and psychological trauma, and start living life on your own terms, the Reiki Infinite Healer Home Course will help you get there.

It's taken hundreds of thousands of people there who have experienced similar things to you in the past and were looking for a way out.

I won't say that much more about it...but you can take a look at it by clicking here NOW and decide whether you want to commit to the path of a healer. 

These are my top 4 recommendations to people who want to start learning Reiki to change their lives, but there's still so much out there.

This barely scratches the surface of it all.

In fact, I built several different Kits for people looking to get started in just about anything related to Reiki (as a Healer, that's what I do). 

You can take a look at those by clicking this link here if you're interested: Reiki Infinite Healer Kits

reiki course

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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