Understanding Reiki Symbols & Their Significance

Reiki Symbols and Temples

Learning Reiki requires a mastery over one’s personal connection to the Universal Energy.

Remember that the goal of healing is to heal any wounds that break this connection between the individual and the Universal Energy (UE).

For example, when our Chakras are blocked, energy does not sufficiently pass through...and consequently stagnates.

As a result, we may feel lethargic, anxious, or even begin to exhibit signs of physical dysfunction. And this is only one example…

...fortunately, we can use Reiki Symbols to protect us from this kind and many other kinds of harm. 

These Symbols have developed over the years differently in various regions of the world, but there are four primary Symbols that are used most often and provide the most generous benefit to one who uses them.

I’ve used these Symbols many times in the past - in fact, when I sense a client has an unusual amount of negative energy, I prepare each of their sessions by drawing these symbols in the places I think they need the most protection, like their chakras, waist, crown, or other body parts. 

These Symbols can also be used for food, medicine, animals, etc - they’re that applicable. In fact, I’d say that these are some of the more powerful tools you can learn when you study Reiki

(...by the way, if you’re short on time and want to review this later, you can check out my Reiki Home Course where I go over all of this more in-depth + get certified for your efforts. Sound like something you’d be interested in? Click here.)

Reiki Home Course

...but you have to use them correctly first. Otherwise, you may be doing nothing. 

Most teachers or healers would hold off on this information until they reach Level 2...but I think everyone deserves to know how to use these techniques.

What comes next is a primer on the 4 Reiki Symbols, the situations they ‘govern’, how/why you use them, and examples on their usage. 

If you’re ready...let’s begin.

The 4 Reiki Symbols

Now, keep in mind that the power of the Reiki Symbols comes with usage, time, and practice. You may be uncomfortable with drawing them or knowing where to place them at first - that’s okay. 

We all have to start from somewhere. 

Once you learn how to draw and use them, make sure to limit your practice to things that you can replicate more often, like food or medicine. Do not go everywhere using these symbols - they are representative of your energy, and the more carelessly you use them, the more your own energy will deplete. 

In addition, you will weaken the protection from the symbols due to excessive use. Exercise with caution and attention. 

Let’s move on...

The Power Symbol (Cho Ku Rei)

Power Symbol of Cho Ku Rei

The power symbol, when translated, roughly means 'put the power of the universe here.'

I think this is an elegant definition for a Reiki Symbol. 

When you call forth the energy of this Symbol, you are summoning the immense power of the UE and channeling it into your healing session, food, social interactions, etc. You are essentially calling forth from the most powerful energy.

In most depictions, the first stroke or top horizontal line represents the dominant energy of the universe. The second stroke or line coming down represents the energy coming down to earth and down the spinal column from the Crown Chakra to the Root Chakra. 

The spiral represents the energy of the earth and the individual, which then intersects the second stroke. In many depictions, the spiral crosses the vertical line seven times to represent the seven chakras.

In addition, the spiral represents the shield or cocoon of protective energy that we are calling forth.

Just imagine yourself in a tough social situation - perhaps someone that you’ve had disagreeances in the past with is at the same event you are attending. You know that this person tends to carry a negative energy around you…

...so what do you do? 

First, imagine yourself protected within that spiral of Reiki energy on the Cho Ku Rei Symbol…

...and slowly draw this Reiki Symbol over your Heart Chakra to protect your energy from harm.

Heart Chakra Representation

You may now proceed to interact with the person knowing that your Chakra is safe from their words, behavior, action, etc.

Now this is only one example...but I hope that you get the point.

In essence, drawing the Power Symbol or Cho Ku Rei gives you the protection of the UE from harmful forms of energy. 

As a healer, you can draw this symbol over the crown of someone’s Third Eye or Crown Chakra to give them protection from negativity.

I’d normally forbid experiments on siblings (especially younger) or family members, but you can try this on some of yours who would be open to trying it out.  

The worst that can happen is nothing - but you may end up protecting them from harm’s way!

Here’s a quick tip: 

Before any healing session, start by saying ‘Cho Ku Rei’ three to five times and drawing the Reiki Symbol over your/their Crown Chakra. As you proceed with the session, end by drawing the Cho Ku Rei over the Root Chakra. This effectively seals all energy inside whomever you drew the Reiki Symbol for. 

As a recap: you can use this Reiki Symbol as a protectant for healing sessions, therapy, other people, yourself, etc. 

It also works well as an ‘empowering’ tool for the other Symbols as well - which I dive into with my Reiki Home Course. You’ll find loads of other information there too that will help your Reiki improve like thousands of my other students...

The Mental & Emotional Symbol (Sei He Ki) 

The Mental & Emotional Symbol of Sei He Ki

This Reiki Symbol roughly means, ‘the union of God and Man.’ 

Primary used for the regulation and balancing of one’s mental and emotional energy domains, Sei He Ki is extremely applicable to any situation that requires healing for traumatic experiences, negative emotional outbursts, and repressed/suppressed emotions. 

For someone who can seem a bit erratic or inconsistent, this Reiki Symbol helps to unite the mind and body together into harmony. 

For example, when someone is suffering from something like depression, often times there are certain memories or experiences that are associated with that kind of suffering. Even though it is perhaps not physical in nature that is visible to the eye, it clearly has an effect on our well-being. 

Drawing this Symbol can help restore the balance one needs to overcome these difficulties and heal through the pain and suffering. 

By balancing both hemispheres of the brain, Sei He Ki can also help bring clarity to one’s doubts or inquiries. 

Perhaps you’ve been considering doing something for a very long time…

...yet, you haven’t made any action on it. Why? 

Your indecision prevents you from deciding on making any action. 

Having Clarity

When you find yourself stuck in a similar situation, draw the Sei He Ki over the Third Eye Chakra to gain insight into what to do.

Note: don’t expect results immediately. Too much energy at once is overwhelming for anyone, so be sure to let the energy come in slowly to restore balance. 

As a healer, you can use this Reiki Symbol for patients who are suffering from relationship instability, indecision, addiction, anger, memory, anxiety, depression, bipolarity, emotional blockages, traumatic experience, etc. 

Drawing this Symbol over the Third Eye, Crown, and Sacral Chakras will be most effective. 

After drawing the Sei He Ki, provide Reiki energy support for at least 15-20 minutes.

(If you don’t know how to do this, don’t worry - I cover it in my Reiki Home Course. Click here to learn more.

The Distance Symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen)

Distance Symbol of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Known as the Distance Symbol, it is most commonly used for distant healing sessions. 

Don’t let the complexity fool you - this is actually one of the easier Reiki Symbols, as they can get quite complex. 

In its most essential form, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen represents the unity of enlightenment and peace. 

Such unification knows no bounds (as we already know from our connection to Universal Energy), which is what makes this Reiki Symbol so unique and powerful.

It has the ability to link a healer and a patient’s energy at a subconscious level, which creates the optimum conditions for a much deeper healing to take place.

Keep in mind that this means that one’s own energy may be affected by the other’s - such a link creates a pathway between both, so be sure to protect yourself if you feel that you are going to be affected by someone’s negativity

‘Distance’ for this Symbol transcends all boundaries - including our perception of space and time. We can use the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen as a blessing to our loved ones who live far away, heal the memory of a past event, or even gain peace into the uncertainty of the future. 

Know Thy Distance

Most commonly, healers use the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to send their blessings and protection to others.

Here’s an exercise to practice using this Symbol: Repeat Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen five times (this may be tricky at first, but you’ll get the hang of it). Afterwards, dip your finger in water (or under the faucet) and draw out this Symbol on a cloth or paper towel. 

You may feel clumsy, but practice makes perfect.

Why use water instead of a pencil? It’s the most practical! Using water allows you to really visualize how you are drawing the Symbol and keeps the energy flowing from the palm of your hand into your finger. 

You don’t use a pencil during a Reiki session unless it is to show someone something in a visual way.

But when you let the healing take place...you use your hands. 

Practice drawing this Symbol and sending your protection to someone you trust and care for. 

The Master Symbol (Dai Ko Myo)

The Master Symbol of Dai Ko Myo

This Reiki Symbol is considered to be the most powerful. 

It has the ability to heal Auras, Chakras, and any kind of illness or disease that originates from our deeper selves. 

There are many different versions of this Symbol, but pick the depiction that has the most ‘vibrant’ energy to you. 

You should literally feel it vibrating towards you...as if it were opening its door for you to peek inside. 

Once you have chosen your Dai Ko Myo Symbol, proceed with caution. As the most powerful of the Reiki Symbols, you definitely do not want to use this one in a cavalier way.

I’ve used this symbol to open up the auras of many of my former patients...and the results were unbelievable.

To practice using this Symbol, first close your eyes and visualize the Symbol. Notice what color it is or how jagged the lines are.

Smoothen out each line in your mind until the entire Symbol becomes clear. 

Trace that with your forefinger - once you are done, visualize the Symbol evaporating away…

...and repeat the process. 

This will allow the energy of the Dai Ko Myo to be etched in your head and allow you to call on its power at any time.

Like any of the other symbols, make sure that you take the time to practice this Symbol and really ‘feel’ the energy coursing through you. 

As a Healer, I recommend that you reserve this Symbol only for those who are in dire need of help. This will unlock many different things for different individuals...so be prepared.

You can use this with any Chakra that is blocked or is spinning in the wrong direction. 

There are many more Reiki Symbols that you can use...some of which are derivatives of these four.

Be sure to practice these often, but with caution. You definitely do not want to lower the power of these Symbols when you’re self-healing or healing someone else with Aura and Chakra problems.

And if you don’t know how to tell whether someone requires healing or even know how to heal...you can get my Reiki Home Course now and get a certification to show for your efforts. Click here to find out more.

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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