Aromatherapy for Reiki

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Essential oils are called essential for a reason.

It's based on ancient holistic healing practices that emphasized the power of scent and aroma...

There is amazing power in this modality that's often understated.

For example: the structure of our nose takes up about 60% of our skull...

Meaning that besides our other 'observable' sense, our sense of smell is quite literally occupies the largest space.

It provides direct air and nutrition into our lungs...

...but also acts as one of the gateways into our Chakra system and line.

Now, it doesn't end there - aromatheraphy can help cleanse you of psychic poisons, nausea, Chakra imbalances, as well as a host of other problems.

If you're thinking to yourself, "oh great, I should get some essential oils!"

Not so fast.

Most people who try essential oils for the first time have no idea how to use them...let alone which ones they need.

They think that they can just 'sniff' and that their problems will go away. Unfortunately, this healing art takes a bit more practice.

Fortunately, however, it doesn't take as much effort as it sounds like.

If you're suffering from depression, stress, or anxiety, this just might be what will work for you.

Take a look at my Emotional & Mental Healing Session - it's worked for hundreds of people just like you who are looking for a solution.

Click below to check it out.

Emotional & Mental Healing Session

Now remember, that although these symptoms can be caused by external factors, medical factors, substance abuse, etc...

More often than not, it’s triggered by stress and the constant negative self-talk. Being aware of what causes anxiety will help you control it. I've covered this in an article here, but just as primer...

The Things That Cause Anxiety

Traumatic History

If you've been a victim of abuse as a child, been a part of violence of some sort, or lost a loved one, this can trigger energetic imbalances and cause one to fall to anxiety.

Toxic Relationships

If you're in an unhealthy relationship, chances are that this may cause you to put more of your resources towards one end than the other. 

Unhealthy & Negative Stress

Although positive pressure can help us grow, it's often negative pressure that we face and have to combat with. In fact, this is one of the top reasons why one may suffer from anxiety.

Genetic Wiring

People underestimate the power of their genetic code - it's where our energetic and spiritual being gets their form from. As a result, you may have inherited some past trauma from your family if there's a history of it.

Now, this is by no means a comprehensive list, but it will help to figure out the next step to take.

Remember that the key to solving any problem is to first identify its source - without this, you won't be able to heal or grow from the experience.

Once you've identified the source (or combination thereof) of your pains, it's time to figure out how essential oils can help you become better.

How can Essential Oils Help?

As a healing practice, aromatherapy has a direct effect on the parts of the brain that control our anxiety, stress, depression, and fear.

But perhaps even more importantly, aromatherapy carries with each scent, a specific resonance that our energetic body can also sense.

Using the right scent for the right ailment is key to solving the disturbance...

...this is due in part to the Resonance Correction Effect - it helps restore your energetic system to the proper vibration so that it can carry out its systematic duties.

Now, essential oils can be administered in one of two ways:

  • Direct contact on the skin
  • Inhaled through the nose

Here are the steps to properly ensure that you take essential oils without creating harm:

  1. Make sure the essential oils do not contain any ingredient that you are allergic to.
  2. If applying directly to skin, gently clean the skin first before application.
  3. Apply conservatively - you don't want to overload your energetic system!

If inhaling through the nose:

  1. Do some breathing exercises first to prepare the body. Make sure that you inhale and exhale through the nose. 
  2. Inhale the essential oil as directed. 
  3. Exhale the essential oil gently.

This may seem simple, but you'd be surprised how many people can get it wrong!

You may be excited to try essential oils now - so here's a list of 4 different scents that you can use for different treatments. Try them out!



Lavender is by far the most popular scent for essential oils.

It's been used for centuries...and one point, it was even used as currency in some nations!

Use lavender to relax your heart when you feel down, depressed, or stressed.

You'll almost instantaneously feel the anxiety relief.

Whether you're using it as lavender oil or incense, either one will give you the desired effect.

I like to use lavender right before I go to bed to make sure that I fall asleep safely.

Anyone who has suffered from anxiety knows that it can be difficult to get to sleep after a long day... lavender oil and incense helps tremendously in this sense.

You can find this online, but do your research to make sure that you get your lavender from a creditable source.

Otherwise you can find it in your local aromatheraphy shop.

Are you looking for something that will take away your pain and anxiety? Try my Emotional & Mental Healing Session.

It's been used by thousands of people so far...and nearly everyone experiences some kind of benefit.

You can check it out by clicking here.



Vetiver is known as the oil of tranquility.

It is best used when feeling the onset of an anxiety attack or stress strike.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it's used to cool a 'hot' mind - a similar effect can be seen in Ayurvedic use, where Vetiver is ingested to soothe stomach pain.

Nowadays, it can be bought commercially as extract, oil, and scent.

It smells extremely earthy and can bring one down to 'home'.

I suggest using the scent for this one, as it is difficult to tell when you have ingested or applied it on the skin enough.

However, through inhalation, you can feel the effects almost immediately.

Be careful not to overuse Vetiver though, as your body and energetic system can get acclimated to its use.

Vetiver can be bought either online or in your local new age store. If you go to your nearest South Asian Market, they might have it there as well!

If you buy the whole plant, make sure that you're not allergic to the plant. You might take well to the oil and extract, but not the plant itself.

Next, we'll learn about the power of Bergamot...



Is it a lemon? Is it an orange?

It's not really either or - it's a hybrid of the two.

It's generally available in parts of the Mediterrean as a food ingredient.

This means that you can likely buy it from your local Mediterrean Grocer! 

Chances are that you might be able to find it if look at your nearest Southeast Asian market as well (it's where I got mine).

However, if you don't want to buy the entire fruit, you can buy the extract and oil online.

If you do buy the fruit, use cold compression to get the oil from the skin.

As a relaxant, it helps with chronic anxiety and stress.

Because it is mostly acidic in nature, this falls lower on the energetic system scale.

In other words, using this on a somewhat regular basis will not overexpose you to its scent...and will not decline in effectiveness over time.

Use Bergamot Oil if you feel sad often or need a refresher every once in a while.

However, if you're looking for an even longer term solution, try my Emotional & Mental Healing Session.

It's been used by thousands of people so far...and nearly everyone experiences some kind of benefit.

You can check it out by clicking here.


Next, we'll learn about Frankincense...


This particular oil is one that was once most coveted by royalty.

Nowadays it is commercially available everywhere, but that doesn't take away from its powerful effect.

Using Frankincense oil is known to help with physical pain, such as tension headaches, abdominal issues, and sore shoulders and neck.

It's also known as a great antidepressant and can keep one in high hopes for days after usage.

Use this particular oil sparingly, as it is potent with each use (and you definitely don't want to overuse it).

I recommend placing this on the skin, as it feels better and its taste can be off-putting for some.

Now of course, there are many other essential oils that you can use...but these are the ones that best correspond with anxiety and can help supplement your Reiki practice.

I do recommend that you try it out for yourself to see what works for you, as different energetic systems respond to different stimuli.

If you want something that will go well with aromatheraphy, I recommend that you go ahead and try my Emotional & Mental Healing Session.

It will help you with the mental and emotional blockages that Reiki is best suited for.

You can check it out by clicking here.


Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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