How To Diagnose Chakras

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If you're wondering how to diagnose Chakras and understand their condition, you're in the right place.

I get asked fairly often about the state of Chakras...

How do you balance them? How do you maintain them? How do you clear blockages?

These are all very good questions to ask, but it's important to first learn how to sense the Chakras before we begin the healing process.

It's like figuring out how to balance your Chakras...

...but using that technique for everything. Reiki doesn't work that way.

In other words, it's like using cold or flu medicine for every kind of physical illness.

You have to know the condition of a Chakra first before you begin the healing process.

This allows you to be much more effective because you can pinpoint what the precise problem actually is.

However, for whatever reason, many people don't talk about this subject.

In this article, I'm going to show you the exact process for diagnosing Chakras for yourself or for your client.

There are some tools that you may need to purchase, but you don't need to be a Level III healer in order to sense someone's Chakra condition.

These diagnostic tools are ones that I've used over the years and help me determine what is best to use for an individual when we begin the healing process.

It's also helped me develop the 5-minute Chakra Balancing Plan that allows me to help others figure out how to eal their own Chakras.

Use it with responsibility - it's free!

Click below to find out more.

Chakra Balancing Plan

If you're ready to learn...keep reading.

The Pendulum

Besides using our hands for Reiki, there are other tools that we can depend on that will serve us well.

In fact, for diagnostic purposes, some of these tools are even better than using our hands.

They help because they're much more precise and accurate.

Imagine a surgeon using their bare hands without a needle to sew a wound together - that wouldn't be very precise, now would it?


For the Chakras and energetic diagnostics, one of the best tools to use is a pendulum.

The pendulum acts as a kind of center for energy sensitivity.

It works much better than your hands becasue you can feel and detect the circulation of energy in the Chakras at a much more precise level.

They're no longer than an inch in diameter and about one and a half inches long. 

Energy pendulums can be found online or in your nearest New Age shop.

If you're thinking to yourself, "but how do I use one?" I'm about to show you that right now...

How To Use A Pendulum

There are many ways to use a pendulum, but I will cover one of my favorite ways to use them here.

Now, if you're completely new to energy healing, take some time to practice with your hands first.

Use my 5-minute Chakra Balancing Plan to get you used to the energy.

Click below now.

Chakra Balancing Plan

Gain some sensitivity before using a pendulum, or else you will take an even longer time to learn.

Once you're comfortable with using your hands for Reiki, it's time to learn how to magnify your power with a pendulum.

Use the pendulum as an energy detector - just like how a metal detector can figure out where things are underground, you want to use the pendulum as a way to find where energy is.

However, the benefit of using a pendulum is that you can figure out which direction the energy is flowing.

Like a current, remember that Chakras circulate energy in and out of the body.

Your sensitivity to the pendulum will allow you to feel where these circulations are...

...and subsequently, whether a problem exists with that Chakra.

What's Wrong With Your Chakras?

Here's how to practice this kind of energy detection:

Start by invoking energy into just one of your Chakras.

It can be the Heart, Throat, or anywhere you feel comfortable.

Now, use the pendulum to circulate slowly around that particular Chakra.

Then, use the pendulum to douse around other Chakras to see whether you can feel the difference.

If you can't feel the difference, try again. 

Once you're able to distinguish the feeling between a full, healthy Chakra and a normal or closed one, you're ready to begin diagnosing others!

Note: people often ask me what they should be feeling.

I always respond that whatever you feel is how you should feel it.

For example, if one of my Chakras is closed, I will noticeably feel the circulation slow down or a force try to pull it in the opposite direction.

Keep in mind that this experience is different for everyone, so experiment with your own to see how you feel it!

Next, we'll learn how to do this for others...

Diagnosing the Chakras in Others

Now that you know how to use a pendulum on yourself, it's time to try it on others!

Even if you're not interested in healing others, you can still use this technique on yourself.

The key to remember is to treat it just like any other Reiki session.

Heartful Heart

First, start by setting your intentions and make sure that the space is devoid of any negative energy.

You want the environment to be the best it can possibly be - that way, any diagnosis cannot be linked to something else going on in the room.

When you're diagnoising the Chakras, ask the client (or yourself) to first lie down on their back with their eyes closed.

I generally diagnose the front Chakras first and then the back, but you can do this in any order that you'd like.

Next, use your hand to hold the pendulum (or use a string, thin rope, etc) and hold it over the client's Chakra point.

You want the pendulum to be as close as it possibly can without touching the client.

Invoke Universal Energy into the pendulum as it gently swings over their Chakra.

Note: do not let your influence sway the pendulum. Remember that the pendulum acts as a conduit for energy and that yours can affect its swing.

Focus on the client and how they are doing, always.

As the pendulum swings, pay careful attention to how it is swinging.

Is it erratic? Consistent? Where do you feel the tension and slack? Where do you sense discomfort or blockage? 

These signs will give you a lot of insight into what the problem may be.

Fulfillment of the Spirit

For example, if the Chakra is spinning counter-clockwise, you may notice that the pendulum begins swinging in the opposite direction.

Or if the Chakra is swinging all over the place, it could represent a muddy or clouded Chakra.

Also pay attention to the size of the swing - if it's too small, it could need a little boost.

If it's too big, then it needs to be cleared.

All of these signs play a big part into what will need to be done in order to heal them.

To make sure that your assessment is correct, make sure to test the other Chakras as well. It could be the case that all of the Chakras need help - and they would never know it!

To do this, you can use my FREE 5-minute Chakra Balancing Plan.

Give it a look by clicking below.

Chakra Balancing Plan

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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