Trying to Cope with Stress? Try One of These Essential Oils

Stress Essential Oils

Stress can wear you down… 

Make you sick… 

And drain all of your energy…

But you don’t have to let it. 

And you don’t have to resort to medications to help you feel calmer, more relaxed, and at ease

Ancient and indigenous cultures have long known the power that herbs and plants can have in healing your body. Today, one of the best uses for essential oils is coping with stress. 

The power of these oils aren’t just some myth from a medicine woman. Science has proven how effective certain essential oils can be at reducing your stress levels. 

Our lives are busy, our society is hectic, there’s never enough time in the day! No wonder so many of us are stressed day in and day out. 

But this stress can really take a toll on your body, and even take years off your life

I want you to live long, happy, fulfilled lives, so I’m going to help you combat this stress with essential oils. They’re a natural alternative to medications. 

In this article, you will learn which oil can help regulate your emotional responses, which can help relieve your pain, and which oil may help reduce your blood pressure (all keys to helping you feel less stressed!), and much more.

Plus, I’ve also listed which Chakras each oil relates to so that you can help bring balance to your energetic system.

In just a moment, you’ll discover eight essential oils that will make you feel calm and relaxed. But before we get into the specifics, I want to share with you the different ways that you can use your essential oils… 

Using Essential Oils to Cope with Stress 

Essential oils are versatile tools that can be used in a variety of ways. Here are a few easy ways to bring these therapeutic oils into your life. 


Run a bath full of warm water, then add a few drops of diluted oil (more on that in the next section). This method pulls double duty as your skin is able to absorb the healing properties of the oil and your nose is able to take in the relaxing aroma. 

Essential Oils Diffuser


An essential oil diffuser takes a small amount of oil and mixes it with steam. The mixture of scented air then floats out to fill the space with a calming scent. This method is useful if treating several people at the same time. 

I like to keep an essenitial oil diffuser in my Reiki treatment space. Many of my clients love walking in to the welcoming and peaceful aroma of essential oils. 


If you don’t own an oil diffuser, you can still benefit from inhaling the smells of these relaxing oils. You can add a few drops of diluted oil to a cotton ball or small cloth and waft it under your nose a few times. Or you can put a few drops in your hands and rub them together to disperse the scent. 


Not only can you benefit from simply smelling the essential oil, but it can also be absorbed through your skin. I suggest massaging a few drops of diluted oil onto an area of the body where the skin can easily absorb the oil, such as the hands, feet, stomach, and neck. 

You can also mix a few drops of essential oil into your favorite lotion or moisturizer, then massage it into your skin. 

Any of these methods can be an effective way to reduce your stress, which can come in many different forms… there’s physical stress, emotional stress, mental stress, spiritual stress. 

To help you discover if your energy is in tune with the universe, I’ve created an Emotional & Mental Balance Test. It’s a quick way to discover how you can bring more positive energy into your life so that you’re at peace with the world around you. 

Click here for more information on what you need to do to feel more focused and energized. 

Emotional & Mental Balance Test

As with anything that you put in, on, or near your body, there are few precautions that you should take to make sure that you are using these oils in the safest way possible.  

A Few Rules for Using Essential Oils 

Essential oils are a great tool to help you cope with stress, but there are a few things that you should keep in mind when using them…

1. Be careful where you apply them. Make sure to avoid coming into contact with sensitive areas, broken skin, your eyes, etc. 

2. Check the quality. You want to use high quality oils that don’t have anything extra added. Be sure to read the labels carefully as certain buzzwords like “pure” and “natural” don’t always guarantee high quality. 

3. Do an allergy test before use. You can be allergic to anything, so try rubbing a small amount on your skin, then keep an eye on the area to make sure you don’t have a reaction. If you don’t notice anything out of the ordinary, then you can proceed with using the oil. 

4. Dilute essential oils with a base oil to reduce irritation. Pure essential oils can be very powerful and can often cause irritation to the skin even if you're not allergic. To avoid an adverse reaction, mix a few drops of essential oil with a neutral base oil like grapeseed. 

Now that you know how to safely use essential oils, let’s get to the list of the most effective oils for cultivating peace, calm, and tranquility. 

Bergamot Oil

Derived from: The rind of bergamot oranges, a type of bitter orange

Aromatic Profile: Fresh and citrusy 

Associated Chakras: Sacral, Heart, Throat

Bergamot oil is gaining popularity for use on its own, but its active ingredients are also found in many antidepressant medicines, as well as Earl Grey Tea. 

Bergamot Oil

Studies have  shown that this oil affects your central nervous system and cardiovascular system to help relieve anxiety, stimulate blood flow, and even improve mood. Another study found it also may be linked to the reduction of stress hormones produced by the brain. 

Bergamot oil works through your Sacral Chakra to regulate your emotional response, your Heart Chakra to create a sense of openness to life, and your Throat Chakra so that you can express your feelings and emotions (including stress) in a healthy way. 

It’s become a popular oil to use in alleviating the feelings of stress and anxiety, but you should be careful when applying it to your skin because it can increase your sensitivity to the sun. 

How to use: Massage Bergamot oil into your neck, hands, feet, or stomach so that your skin can absorb the peaceful and calm properties of the oil. You can also try placing this oil in a room diffuser if you have one. 

Also helps with: Depression, sadness, grief, clearing the mind

Clary Sage Oil 

Derived from: The leaves and flowers of the clary sage plant

Aromatic Profile: Earthy and herbaceous

Associated Chakras: Sacral, Third Eye

Clary Sage has been recognized for its medicinal properties for a long time. Taking in the scent of clary sage eases tension and stress in your body, as well as helping to control levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

The scent of this oil can help to ease the body and the mind and promote a reduction of tension so that your body can fully relax. 

Clary Sage Oil

Some research suggests it may affect the dopamine (the happiness hormone) levels in the brain and body, which help regulate and control your emotional responses. 

Clary Sage works with the Third Eye Chakra to allow you to connect with your intuition to have more faith and confidence in what the universe has in store for you. It also affects the Sacral Chakra by bringing down stress levels and regulating other emotions that may be contributing to your stress. 

How to use: Place a few drops of Clary Sage oil on a cloth so that you can inhale the calming scent. It also works well in a room diffuser. 

Also helps with: Respiratory, digestive, emotional, and feminine issues

Frankincense Oil

Derived from: Boswellia tree resin that is typically found in Africa

Aromatic Profile: Woody and earthy, with undertones of warmth and spice

Associated Chakras: Third Eye, Crown Chakra 

Frankincense is popular because it was presented as a gift to baby Jesus when the three wise men arrived. But little did they know that this would become a powerful treatment for anxiety and stress. 

Some believe that Frankincense helps to increase both intuition and spirituality. It’s wonderful for decreasing feelings of anxiety because the scent of this oil helps with relaxing, calming, and grounding. 

Frankincense OIl

Studies have shown that the use of Frankincense oil can have a calming effect on the system, and it may also help reduce physical sensations of pain that may be contributing to feelings of stress. 

Frankincense works by stimulating both the Third Eye and Crown Chakras to invite a sense of clarity and certainty to your mind so that you can have confidence in all that you do. 

How to use: Frankincense oil makes for a wonderful foot or hand massage. Just be sure to dilute the oil with a base oil, such as coconut or grapeseed oil. 

Also helps with: Respiratory issues including asthma, bronchitis, and chronic coughing

Geranium Oil

Derived from: The leaves of the geranium flower

Aromatic Profile: Strong rosy-floral scent

Associated Chakras:  Solar Plexus, Heart

Geranium oil is known to hold special benefits for women in supporting the reproductive system and menstruation. 

It’s used to help calm and balance the system, in addition to reducing the feelings of anxiety and depression. Geranium oil is also thought to help decrease blood pressure, which promotes relaxation throughout the entire body. 

Geranium Oil

Research has shown that inhaling Geranium oil is an effective way to reduce anxiety and blood pressure in women during labor. 

Another study showed it is also an easy way to decrease feelings of stress in people who suffer from heart attacks.

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or even depressed, try Geranium oil for calming and balancing your entire system. 

Geranium oil works to reduce your stress by bringing the Solar Plexus Chakra back into balance so that you are no longer consumed by the desire to be perfect. This oil also targets your Heart Chakra to optimize your breathing, which is another way to help calm your system. 

How to use: Inhale the floral scent of geranium by dripping the oil on a cloth or cotton ball. It also works well in a room diffuser. 

Also helps with: Imbalances in women’s reproductive system, including menstrual cramps, infertility, menopause, and more

Lavender Oil  

Derived from: The leaves and flowers of lavender plant 

Aromatic Profile: Fresh, floral, herbaceous 

Associated Chakras: Heart, Crown

Lavender Oil

Most people know of the soothing effects of the popular Lavender oil, but it’s still worth mentioning as this oil can be a powerful tool for fighting your stress levels. 

Lavender oil can help to calm stress by impacting your limbic system, which is the part of the brain that controls emotions. Since this discovery, it has become a widely recognized treatment for the reduction of stress and anxiety.

The scent of this oil has calming and sedative properties that can help you relax, fight stress, and sleep restfully. 

Lavender oil allows your Heart Chakra to regulate your sense of openness to life so that your stress can fall away. It also connects with your Crown Chakra to help you connect to the universe and be confident in your path forward. 

How to use: Topical applications of Lavender oil are the most effective, so try soaking in a Lavender bath or massaging the oil into your hands and feet. 

Also helps with:  Wound healing

Stress can make you feel out of control... and like your life has gotten completely off track. If you ever find yourself feeling this way, take my Emotional & Mental Balance Test. Just answer a few simple questions to find out if your Mental and Emotional Aura layers need cleansing. 

Click here to find out more about how this easy test can help you get back on track for fulfilling your destiny.

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Roman Chamomile Oil 

Derived from: Chamomile flowers 

Aromatic Profile: Fruity, crisp, sweet 

Associated Chakras: Throat 

If you’re not much of a tea drinker, you can get all the benefits of Chamomile by using it in its oil form. Traditionally, Chamomile tea has been touted as a bedtime tea that helps the body to relax and promotes sleep. 

Chamomile essential oil also helps to bring a sense of calm to both mind and body, making it an effective stress reliever. 

Research supports that Chamomile essential oil may benefit people who suffer from General Anxiety Disorder, providing a safe and effective alternative to traditional medications. 

Chamomile Essential Oil

Inhaling the soothing scent of Chamomile can elevate your mood and increase the positive energy in your body. It can also reduce feelings of restlessness and sleeplessness that can worsen your stress and anxiety. 

Chamomile affects the Throat Chakra to help you be better able to communicate with others so that you can quickly and easily resolve any situations that may be causing you stress. 

How to use: Add a few drops of Roman Chamomile to your next bath. You can also try mixing Roman Chamomile with a base oil so that you can massage the diluted mixture onto your skin. 

Also helps with: Depression, loneliness, PTSD, anger, insomnia

Rose Oil

Derived from: Rose petals 

Aromatic Profile: Familiar and sweet floral scent 

Associated Chakras: Sacral, Heart, Crown 

Red roses often symbolize love, but their sweet scent can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Maybe that’s why we often send them to our lovers. 

Rose Oil

The familiar scent of Rose oil helps to relax your senses, so that feelings of tranquility, peace, calm, and well-being can wash over you. 

Additionally, Rose oil promotes feelings of hope and joy, and boosts self-esteem to combat the negative energy of stress.

Several researchers have found that Rose oil can have an effect on stress and anxiety because it promotes both physiological and psychological relaxation. 

Rose oil can remind you of the feelings of love and happiness that come from both your Sacral and Heart Chakras allowing you to focus more on the positive and less on the negative. It also balances your Crown Chakra so that you can let go of your attachments to the physical world, which are often the source of stress. 

How to use: Indulge in a foot bath of warm water and a few drops of diluted Rose oil. You can also customize your lotions and moisturizers by adding some Rose oil. 

Also helps with: Grief, PTSD, insomnia


Derived from: The grass-like vetiver plant from India

Aromatic Profile: Earthy, spicy, woody

Associated Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Third Eye, Crown

Vetiver Essential Oil

As soon as you inhale the aroma of Vetiver oil, you’ll feel an instant relief from the stress and anxiety that you accumulate in your everyday life. 

This oil powerfully invites calming and grounding to your mind and body so that you can find more relaxation. 

In addition to affecting your emotions, Vetiver is also said to have a spiritual effect. 

This oil balances your Root Chakra to invite a sense of grounding and security back into your life. Vetiver also works on the physical Chakras by bringing harmony to the Solar Plexus Chakra to boost your self-esteem and motivate you to take action against your stressors. 

On the spiritual level, Vetiver opens your Third Eye Chakra to alleviate anxiety that often accompanies stress. It also affects your Crown Chakra to help you connect to your spiritual path and the divine. 

Studies suggest that Vetiver oil may target certain chemicals in the part of your brain that is associated with anxiety. This could mean that Vetiver can help with chemical imbalances that contribute to certain mood disorders. 

Vetiver is particularly powerful, so take care when using it. A little goes a long way.

How to use: Vetiver oil is wonderful to use in a diffuser while you go about your day. Or you can also massage a few drops of diluted oil into your neck or stomach. 

Also helps with: Anger, exhaustion, insecurity

Vetiver can be helpful for both relieving stress and stimulating your two highest Chakras.

I also wanted to let you know about one of the most important things you can do for your Upper Chakras to bring more balance, clarity, and insight into your life. 

Click here to get my Emotional & Mental Balance Test so you learn how to unlock your highest potential. 

Emotional & Mental Balance Test

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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