Reiki For Depression


Do you suffer from depression?

Has every method, including psychologists, therapists and countless different medications not seemed to bring about concrete results to assist you with your depression?

Do you have feelings of being alone and isolated?

Do you feel as though no one understands what you are going through and there is no one who will listen?

Reiki does not promise to be a cure to mental illness however it has a symbol of power dedicated to the mental and emotional energy bodies.

If you are depressed and feeling as though the earth could swallow you at any point, then it is time to seek out a dedicated Reiki practitioner, or perform the healing at the end of this article. 

You are not your depression

Depression is a hole that you cannot describe to someone who has not experienced it. The colors around you become dull. 

If you want to understand more about this or simply need a quick solution to get you on your should try my Emotional & Mental Healing Session.

It's specifically designed to help you in the most dire of circumstances. I'd hate for you not to live your life the way you want to live it.

Click below to learn more.

Emotional Healing Session

When you're depressed, the energy that you should have is nowhere to be found and your legs will not move. 

It feels as though you're stuck in a place without the ability to get out of it.

There is nothing funny in the funniest joke and everything becomes a noise that continuously goes on and on and on. 

Many people who suffer from depression attempt to kill it by sleeping it off, turning to alcohol or drugs to numb the already numbing pain of depression. 

Depression is not you though…

…and in that state it is impossible to explain it to someone who is below sea level on the emotional scale. 

Depressions is like a sort of morse code from your energetic bodies telling you something is not well in the land of your spirit. 

Depression is like a disease of the spirit and it manifests in the mind, dropping down and harming the heart, the stomach, etc. 

Depression affects everyone in various parts of their bodies and when we attempt to heal these parts of our bodies we do not tackle the problem at hand…and so depression simply returns. 


The Big Black Hole and Reiki’s Solution

The key to getting out of the big black hole of depression and not being sucked in further is having the knowledge of why you are there in the first place. 

Causality says that with every action there is a consequence or reaction...

...And depression and its great big black hole is a reaction and consequence of an upset or disturbance in your energetic bodies. It is telling you that something is up and needs healing. 

The strength required to understand this when the black cloak is thrown over your head is enormous…

…and for some people it takes years, if not their whole lives, to be able to muster up enough courage and willpower in that state to be able to stand up and say, “Hey, thank you depression, I understand, I will get right to fixing the problem.” 

Reiki, however, has a system of symbols designed and imparted by Usui Sensei with the intention and power to provide strength and stability in the state of depression. 

Reiki does not need you to believe in it so that it can work. 

One such symbol is the Sei He Ki symbol.

I've often used this for clients who are suffering from depressive thoughts...and they felt cheery right afterwards. Here's how it works...

The powerful energy associated with and evoked by drawing the symbol, Sei He Ki on a person afflicted by depression and using it on yourself if that person is you, is immeasurable. 


But before I get into the Sei He Ki symbol, I want you to know the many benefits of Reiki for helping with depression.

Reiki has healed thousands of people suffering from depression, and it continues to do so as you read this article. 

Why and how varies from person to person in the time and manner...

...but the fundamental reason is because Reiki instils the following in those who make use of this Divine Energetic art:

  • Reiki provides 5 basic principles which remove negativity, worry, anger and unfounded fears.
  • Reiki promotes healthy living which in turn balances the body, balancing the soul. 
  • Reiki ensures a balanced energetic body, mind and spirit.
  • Reiki places you back in touch with your divine spark, your purpose and your true being.
  • Reiki shows you what your depression has been trying to show you all along.
  • Reiki connects you with other people who are caring, loving and understanding. 

In addition, Reiki also:

  • teaches you to control your own energetic bodies and allows you to take back control of the drivers seat.
  • gives you the opportunity to experience so much more of who you are and in turn climb out of a single sighted physical illusion.
  • empowers you with Divine symbols to assist you in every area of your life. 
  • makes you the master of your life and the conqueror of your dreams.
  • pulls away the black blanket of depression and through its practices and teaching gives you new sight into a world of unimaginable possibilities. 

Now, this may be an extensive laundry list of reasons why you should use Reiki...but it's true nevertheless.

I've seen the power of Reiki in my own eyes and can attest to its power.

This brings us back to the Sei He Ki Symbol, and how it can illuminate us from our despair.


Sei He Ki

The symbol used normally in Reiki level two is Sei He Ki, and is directly translated as ‘God and Man become One’. 

Sei He Ki is the symbol in Reiki which rules all aspects of the mind and emotional issues or matters in question. 

The most important aspect of this symbol is the harmonizing effect that it has on the person receiving it. 

If you are using this symbol on yourself then you will notice its peace and tranquility. However, Sei He Ki must be used with caution. 

Those who suffer from depression must understand the point made earlier on…

…and that is the fact that depression is like a warning bell signaling that something is amiss. Similarly, Sei He Ki will show what exactly is amiss.

In other words, it will reveal what issue is the root cause of the depression so that you can deal with it.

The Sei He Ki symbol reminds us that we are connected to an entire universe of beings all around us. 

We are never alone and this symbol allows us to feel the connection of not only spirit but also fellow beings. 

Emotional Healing Session

A quick tip: there is a very big difference between reading something and practicing it...

...and having experienced it and practiced it over and over again.

Depression is a sensitive issue and can result in various unwanted, undesired consequences.

If you are suffering from depression try the exercise below, and then make sure that you seek out a professional Reiki practitioner to get a second opinion.

The Symbols of Breath Exercise

Two Reiki symbols are used in this exercise, Cho Ku Rei, and Sei He Ki.

Please ensure you know how they are drawn before you start the exercise. If you begin to cry during this exercise, allow yourself to cry because this is a great form of healing.

Find a quiet space…

Ensure that you will not be disturbed for at least 20 - 30 minutes…

Start by breathing in through your nose, and out through your mouth slowly…

Now begin breathing in deeply through your nose, right into your belly and holding for a second, then breathing out through your mouth as hard as your can, as though you were breathing out every negative horrid experience that you had ever had. 

Repeat this several times or until you have no more need to. (You will know when it feels right to stop and breathe normally again.)

Now if you have drawn the symbols on a piece of paper, take up the piece of paper and lightly trace over Cho Ku Rei…

…then Sei He Ki…

…then Cho Ku Rei again. 

Say outloud “I am surrounded by Divine golden light, I am protected, healed and I have divine insight.” 

Repeat this three times and then once you are finished, close your eyes and feel the experience, allow it to rest in you until you feel ready to stand and continue with your day. 

If this isn't enough for you and you need something backed with evidence and support, I suggest trying my Emotional & Mental Balance Session.

I've used this with hundreds of my own personal clients...and I've never had anyone tell me that it didn't help.

Click below to check it out.

Emotional Healing Session

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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