Starting Your Reiki Practice


Reiki is a truly wonderful gift and while some take Reiki training to use on themselves...

...and with friends and family...

...many feel inspired to share it with a much wider circle.

They want to share it with everyone.

They want to become practitioners through and through.

I started my journey thinking that Reiki was going to be a hobby of mine...

...but it turned into so much more.

I can say from firsthand experience, that the development of a Reiki practice can be a very rewarding experience.

Not only can it provide you with a source of income, there are spiritual experiences that can be much more meaningful.

Here's why...

Intention is the Most Important Thing

The most important thing concerning the development of a Reiki practice is the quality and strength of your intention.

The mind is like a magnet.

The quality and strength of your thoughts will determine the quality and strength of what you attract into your life.

Therefore it is important for you to develop and maintain a positive mental attitude about your Reiki practice.

Decide with clarity, determination and commitment that you are going to create a thriving Reiki practice.

Decide that you are worthy to do this and that there are many people who will benefit from your service.

Decide that the value you and your clients will receive from your Reiki practice will far out weigh any effort or sacrifice that might be involved in creating it.


Picture in your mind the results you want to create and how it will feel when you are actively involved in a thriving Reiki practice.

Meditate frequently on this image and these feelings.

Allow them to fill you up and surround you and reach out to others.

Use this to motivate you and to help you continue on in the face of doubt or discouragement.

Know in your heart that the freedom, joy and satisfaction of having your own Reiki practice is a valid goal and that you are creating it.

Believe in yourself and in your purpose.


If doubts arise about your goal, know that this is normal and assume that they have entered your consciousness because they are passing out of you.

Whenever we take on a new level of healing or commit to a new goal, old negative thoughts and feelings that have been stored inside and have gone unchallenged are dislodged and begin moving through our consciousness.

If your commitment is strong, these old negative feelings and thoughts will break up and be released.

If you feel negative feelings and thoughts come up, know that this is part of your healing and that you are releasing them up to the Higher Power to be healed.

Use your Reiki to speed this up and make sure to ask for treatments from others.

Reiki psychic surgery can be especially helpful.


There are higher sources of help you can call on.

Angels, beings of light and Reiki spirit guides as well as your own enlightened self are available to help you.

They can help you develop your Reiki practice by directing clients to you and assisting with treatments.

They can be of great benefit, but you must have a strong spiritual intention for your work if you are to recruit their aid.

If you are doing Reiki in a selfish way, only for money or to gain control over others or to take on an air of self-importance, or for any other negative purpose, then it will be very difficult for these spiritual beings to work with you.


Reiki wants only the best for you, but you must align with the nature of Reiki if you are to gain the greatest benefit.

The more you can open to the true nature of Reiki which is to have an unselfish heart centered desire to help others, then the more the Reiki spirit guides can help you.

Focus on helping others and on healing anything within yourself that may stand in the way of an uninhibited flow of love and compassion.

This is what will make your Reiki practice a success!

The development of a spiritual attitude toward your Reiki practice can be facilitated through the regular use of affirmations and prayers.


Try the following prayer:

"Guide me and heal me so that I can be of greater service to others."

By sincerely saying a prayer such as this each day, your heart will open and a path will be created to receive the help of higher spiritual beings.

They will guide you in your Reiki practice and in the development of your life purpose.

Competitiveness is Not a Part of Reiki

One thing that can get in the way of developing a spiritual attitude about your Reiki practice is fear of competition.

This has caused more problems and created more restrictions and negative energy in the Reiki community than any other area of misunderstanding. Lack is an illusion and this is especially true for Reiki!

There is a far greater need for healing on the planet than there are Reiki practitioners who can provide it.

Fear of competition goes directly against the nature of Reiki energy and because of this, it can repel people from you who might otherwise be interested in receiving a treatment.

Reiki comes from an unlimited supply and does not fear competition.

People who do Reiki together find that their Reiki gets stronger as more people join the group.

If Reiki was competitive, then just the opposite would happen, it would be strongest when you were alone and get weaker as more people joined the group.

The nature of Reiki energy is one of cooperation.

It understands the concept that we are all one and flows freely to anyone and everyone.


It works in harmony with all other forms of treatment.

It is clearly apparent, the wisdom of Reiki is to welcome all other practitioners as allies.

If the spiritual purpose for your Reiki practice, is to help others and to heal the planet, then you can only rejoice when you hear about another Reiki practitioner in your area as they are helping you fulfill your purpose.

Accept the wisdom of Reiki as your own wisdom, that all others who practice Reiki are helping you.

The more you can do this, the more your Reiki practice will thrive.

Don't worry about taking clients away from other practitioners.

Each practitioner has their own value and special way of helping others.

You will attract the clients who are right for you. Others will attract the clients who are right for them.


Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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