What Your Aura Colors Mean

Aura Colors and their meanings

"She was magnetic!"

Have you ever entered a room filled with people and found yourself immediately drawn toward a certain individual?

Something about them radiates.

You can't help but notice them.

These feelings and intuitions we have towards others come from our awareness regarding each other's aura.

Sometimes referred to as a psychic energy field, the aura is usually represented as a multi-layered field with many different colors. Some people, like Barbara Brennan, are reputedly able to see and interpret our auras. To them, the aura can REVEAL our:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional and
  • Spiritual states.

After understanding the types of auras and their attributes, you can begin to CHANGE your aura to resonate the energy you crave and affect the relationships you have with others.

I'm going to introduce you to the SEVEN COLORS OF YOUR AURA. Understanding these colors will help you start understanding others and yourself. More importantly, you'll be able to:

  • know what each aura color corresponds to and means 
  • understand how to use your strengths, and
  • make adjustments to your rituals if you desire to change your aura.


The Layers of Your Aura

1. Etheric Aura

The first layer surrounding the body is known as the Etheric Aura. It extends one and a quarter to two inches out from the body. Its color is red.

2. Emotional Layer

The next layer, referred to as the Emotional Layer, extends one to three inches out. This layer holds emotions and feelings and can be seen as orange or a rainbow of colors.

3. Mental Layer

The third layer, known as the Mental Layer, can extend anywhere from three to eight inches from the body. Usually bright shades of yellow can be found here.

4. Astral Layer

The next layer, known as the Astral Layer, is considered the bridge to the spiritual realm and the doorway to the astral realm. This can be green or hold an array of bright rainbow colors if the spiritual health is good.

5. Etheric Template

The fifth layer, referred to as the Etheric Template, extends about two feet out. In this layer, one finds the blueprint that contains all the forms of the physical world.  Blue is the most common color found on this layer.

6. Celestial Aura

The sixth layer, called the Celestial Aura, can extend out up to two and a half feet. Connected to the spiritual realm, this is where communication with those in that realm can take place along with feelings of ecstasy and unconditional love. The colors associated with this layer are bright and shimmering and in the pastel opalescent rangeIndigo is common here.

7. Ketheric Template

The seventh layer is known as the Ketheric Template and can extend out over three feet. It vibrates at the highest frequency and surrounds all the other layers, holding them together. It is comprised of bright shining violet or golden-colored threads and reflects everything your soul has undergone. This is where one links to the Divine and becomes one with the universe.

In other templates, the aura is taken to extend to twelve layers and the colors associated with these layers can differ.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing to understand is that the aura is layered and is associated with different dimensions of our being.

If you don't understand this...it'll be impossible to balance anything in your life, including your chakras. Use this free downloadable plan to figure out what you need to do to rebalance your Chakras.

Chakra Balancing Plan


The attributes below are what a Reiki Master would see while looking at you...or....if you are sensitive, what you already see in others!

Remember that you are not just one aura colors...but an entire collection. What you emphasize in your life will be different from others...

Read on to find out more about how each layer is representative of YOU!

1. The Red Aura - The First Layer

  • Passion
  • Vitality
  • Strength and Stamina
  • Success

Red in the aura connotes active and dynamic people with lots of zest and energy.

They are goal oriented, driven, and like to see results.

They ENJOY seeing the fruits of their labor and CRAVE visual proof of progress.

They are best in sales, target driven environments, and are kinesthetic (or very physical) in their expression.

If they want something done, they would rather just do it themselves! They have a competitive spirit and like to win.

This physicality that is naturally part of their personality also extends to their sexual life. They focus on the PHYSICAL aspects of their relationships rather than the cognitive and emotional connections. Red Auras are less inclined toward emotional exploration and intimate talk...which might leave their partners feeling excluded.

This inability to communicate well spells trouble for long-term relationships. They enjoy the thrill of initial attraction and prefer short-term relationships.

However...they need to become more conversant emotionally...understanding their own emotions as well as those of their partners!

2. The Orange Aura - The Second Layer

  • Creative
  • Analytical
  • Activity and Strategy
  • Ritual

Creative and dynamic, the Orange Aura is similiar to red.

Unlike the Red Aura however, auras that are orange THRIVE on challenging the body and the mind.

They LOVE adventure and the excitement of new experiences, but also LOVE using their creative abilities to bring about their desires.

Meditating On Aura Colors & Their Meanings

This color indicates power and the ability to influence or control others. Orange can evolve into gold...which can be representative of a strong spiritual leader with powerful abilities.

Mentally active and very intelligent, they are involved in creating new concepts and ideas. They like to plan methodically and actively be involved in making their dreams come true. On the other hand, they HATE giving up control...this can be seen as selfish. 

Orange works well in the business world. They are UNSTOPPABLE when forging ahead after new ideas.

If your aura contains orange...you need to learn to decrease your focus on surface pleasure. You may have a tendency to miss out on what's happening right now...the pleasure and beauty of this moment.

My advice? 

Take time to enjoy and absorb the world around you.

Orange loves new challenges BUT also enjoys ritual. This is how they ground their active lives.

In relationships, the Orange Aura can be very independent. They like to take time for themselves. 

How can an Orange Aura be successful?

Don't allow yourself to become too absorbed in the creative process! Become more aware of the needs and wants of others. This will bring balance

3. The Yellow Aura - The Third Layer

  • Playful
  • Energetic
  • Intelligent
  • Sensitive

Everyone LOVES a Yellow Aura!

Light and fun...witty and expressive...those who have a Yellow Aura wear their heart on their sleeve.

Be careful though! Their natural innocence can incline towards gullibility. 

Armed with a keen intellect and radiant personality, these folks have an unusual sensitivity that allows them to pick up information from many sources. However, they need to be careful to avoid information overload.

The Emotional Aura

It is important that they are able to release excess energy. Yellow Auras need plenty of physical activity to stay bright.

Their feel-good persona naturally sheds discomfort and prefer 'fun' in their relationships.

They are naturally very sexual and love pleasure but if a relationship is perceived as restrictive, they will desire to move on.

Fear of commitment is a major concern for them and they might avoid relationships altogether for this reason, or simply seek out very surface level relationships.

4. The Green Aura - The Fourth Layer

  • Intelligent
  • Quick Witted
  • Hard Working
  • Leadership
  • Abundance

This personality naturally seeks balance. A strong green aura belongs to the person who will always be the diplomat between the others.

This love of harmony and balance becomes their barometer for what is acceptable in any given situation. This color is associated with the heart, and their feeling natures are predominant.

They are honest with themselves about how they feel and will evaluate a place, circumstance, situation, etc., based on the sense of contentment and satisfaction it evokes. They do not want superficiality in their lives, and can surprise others with their honesty and openness.

The green personality naturally draws abundance to themselves - not due to an avid interest in money and success - but rather due to an appreciation for the finer things in life. They don't need many things but seek quality over quantity.

Seeking contentment and balance, they tend to attract what they need naturally. In other words, they don't require the largest house on the block, but just one that endows them with that feeling of the sought contentment and balance.

Mentally alert and astute, they have a keen intellect that they apply toward setting goals and organizing ideas and people. They might not be so great on the follow through, though!

It is very important to them that they are able to express their feelings easily and freely. They have a strong sense about how things feel in their body, and stored and inhibited emotions and thoughts are anathema to this feeling-based personality.

Green auras love relationships. They can be very open about sharing their thoughts and feelings. And they enjoy intimate relationships, appreciating sex as a physical expression of love.

Compassionate and balanced, these beings are great communicators and make for WONDERFUL teachers and healers.

Green auras are also adept at balancing chakras for themselves and others...to see if this fits your description, check out and download this 5-minute chakra balancing plan here.

5. The Blue Aura - The Fifth Layer

  • Nurturing
  • Sincere
  • Peace
  • Harmony

These people are natural caretakers, often found amongst those in the medical profession as healers and therapists.

They are endowed with a naturally kind and giving nature. Friendly, innocent and loving souls, they are the introverts amongst the various colors. The nurturers of our world, they source their feelings and intuitions and sense what people around them need. They naturally offer comfort.

Blue is also the communicator's color, and they can express their deep feelings beautifully and profoundly through their writing, art, etc. A deeply caring soul, the blue personality when in a group of friends, can end up being the primary giver.

They are known for their very forgiving nature. Mothers will often have blue in their aura. This color can signify taking the world in its arms and making it feel safe and secure. Deeply nurturing, as mentioned above, they extend great care to others but can run the risk of becoming a martyr. That should be avoided, of course!

In relationship, blues prefer being married for life and are naturally supportive and caring. But they need to remember to take care of themselves.

Like a parent gaining meaning and living vicariously through their child, the blue personality needs to avoid this scenario and not put the welfare of others so far ahead of their own.

Mountain Metaphor for Aura

Regarding sexuality, the physical act of love making can be less important than finding that special one and the feeling of companionship engendered. They love the intimacy of cuddling and kissing.

A few other points about this color:

They naturally gravitate toward the spiritual arena and its various parts.

They are not readily motivated by money and don’t place its importance ahead of the wellbeing of another.

They can naturally excel as orators and entertainers although they don't focus these acts on themselves. They can remain introverted and private while allowing an aspect of themselves to participate in a very public way.

6. The Indigo Aura - The Sixth Layer

  • Intuitive
  • Inner Knowing
  • Sensitive
  • Spiritual

These folks are naturally spiritual and have an innate sense of higher consciousness.

Because they are so tuned into the more subtle realms...they can feel like a stranger in a foreign land here in this earthly abode. They are such profound thinkers and feelers and therefore they might feel they fit in much less than some of the other colors.

They are very authentic and have a strong sense of justice and fairness. Inherently very decent and courageous, they do not like to be told how to live and what to do. They are attuned to a higher order and have awareness that everything and everyone is connected.

Anger and frustration can occur because they are born with a sense of knowing - and yet must live in a world that does not necessarily square with their innate knowing. Denying their natural, deep wisdom and conforming to the “education” that the world offers is something this aura needs to avoid.

Perhaps this struggle will take place during childhood between what authority figures claim to be correct and what they know to be true. But, usually, a profound recognition takes place when they are older and they understand that they have known what is right all along.

Indigos can readily tap into a higher understanding and communicate readily. They intuitively understand spirituality and its many expressions.

Their physical bodies can be very sensitive. Food additives, air conditioning and even electromagnetic fields can be noted by these sensitive beings. In their power, they recognize the need to take care of themselves and do the necessary to accomplish this. In terms of physical activity, they don't necessarily gravitate toward hard workouts but rather walking and gentler forms of exercise.

These compassionate beings are naturally tuned into the highest good and will not likely deviate from that. They might be drawn to such practices as channeling. 

It's very important for these folks to honor their inner wisdom and knowing and not allow themselves to be confused and unnecessarily thrown by those on a different wavelength.

In relationships, the indigo, having usually both a strong female and male side, view sex and the physical aspects of relationship as a physical merging of their spiritual being. They need to look into their partner’s eyes and see that love, as well as feel it through the heart. Having a natural connection to the universe, they wish to experience their partner as a tangible experience of this universal connection.

In their career choices, they will need a deeper degree of flexibility and independence, and will naturally veer away from the unscrupulous or misleading. They have natural leadership qualities, as well.

7. The Violet Aura - The Seventh Layer

  • Authentic
  • Charismatic
  • Passionate
  • Spiritual
  • Magical

Very powerful and exciting, folks with this color aura tend to be charismatic and dynamic.

The Violet Aura Personality

One of the most complex auras to read, they embody – in a way – all the other auras. They naturally see the bigger picture and are privy to new and truly inspired ideas and can carry them through to fruition.

They follow the beat of their own drum and seem to be able to ignore the rules that apply to everyone else, which can be an annoyance to those others! But, they usually are correct in their ideas and their eventual outcomes.

Being a merging of red and blue, they have apparently opposing qualities that coexist beautifully – such as active and passionate red and supportive and caring blue. They are gentle yet passionate, for instance, and both sensitive and strong. They are both grounded in this world and can touch the ethereal heavens, all at once!

It is very important that this aura type listens to...AND TRUSTS their intuition, and not allow themselves to become overwhelmed and bogged down.

In relationships, Violets are more about a real connection rather than merely having companionship. Like Indigos, they can go for stretches without a relationship, not feeling the need to engage with one another.

But when in a relationship, they can mate for life and if that ends, for whatever reason, they may not be inclined to pursue another relationship.

If violets recognize early on that they are born leaders, this will make their lives easier. If they manage to conquer self-doubt, the world is their oyster! Once they start living up to who they really are, expressing their vast vision, they will feel much fulfillment and achievement.

A study of the aura and its various colors can yield a great deal of understanding about ourselves and others. We all have our ways of being and our natural expressions.

As we proceed through our lives, we can use the support of such a body of knowledge as found in learning about the aura to help us grow and evolve into who we long to be.

I also have a guide that goes more into depth on how your auras and chakras should be balanced...if you're feeling as though something is a bit off, download this free 5-minute chakra balancing plan.

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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