The Best Meditation Spaces Have These 9 Things…

Creating a Meditation Space

The benefits of a regular meditation practice are seemingly endless.  

You can… 

  • Protect your body and mind against illness
  • Lower your stress and anxiety
  • Decrease depression and negative emotions
  • Dramatically improve your mood and energy
  • Strengthen your connection to your natural healing abilities

And so much more!

But sometimes meditation can be hard. 

One thing that can make sustaining your meditation practice easier is to create a space that allows you to feel completely relaxed and grounded...

How To Create The Perfect Meditation Space

Part of what helps you stick to a regular meditation practice is having a routine… and that includes having a designated spot where you can go to turn inward. 

When it comes time to meditate, you want to make sure that you are in the right mindset, and being in the same location each time can help you transition from the outer world to the inner world. 

Reserving a specific location for your practice also helps to create spiritual energy in that space that will serve you while you meditate. 

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to create a personalized meditation spot just for you!

In this article we’ll look at the elements that will help you create an amazing meditation space, including: 

  • The most important decoration for grounding
  • The scents that will boost your Crown Chakra
  • The one thing to NEVER bring into your meditation space
  • The most important rule for decorating 

And more.

But before we begin, I want to tell you about my Reiki Meditations. In addition to guided audios, this program includes my Meditation For Beginners Guidebook that will help you learn how to meditate and shorten the learning curve. 

Click here to learn more about how you can boost your meditation practice by following my simple steps.

Reiki Meditations

Now it’s time to talk about the nine elements that all of the best meditation spaces have in common. This first one might just be the most important… 

1. Plenty of Privacy

The first thing that you need to do is find somewhere that you are able to feel a sense of privacy and safety. 

While meditating, you’ll have your eyes closed and be in a vulnerable state. Make sure that you are somewhere that others won’t bother you and that you don’t have to worry about people interrupting this time you’ve dedicated to turning inward. 


Your sense of privacy also includes peace and quiet. If your meditation space is in a high traffic area, be it people or cars, consider using a sound machine to help drown out the sounds of the outside world. 

Nature sounds can also work to help you focus inward and block out any distracting sounds that could be going on around you. 

In addition to nature sounds, you may also want to add some nature decorations… 

2. Nature Decorations

If you have the ability to meditate outside, I encourage you to try it. Sitting in the peace and simplicity while surrounded by Mother Earth can really help you to turn inward. 

Being surrounded by the elements of nature can also bring you a sense of harmony, balance, grounding, and abundance.

But an outdoor meditation practice may not always be possible. If your designated meditation space is somewhere indoors, make sure that you bring a little bit of nature inside with you. 

This element is pretty important because part of meditation is allowing yourself to connect, or reconnect, with nature.

So how do you bring nature into your space? 

Meditate with Nature

There are plenty of different ways to do this… Some easy ideas are finding plants, flowers, seashells, or stones that you feel connected to. 

You can also try incorporating an artful jar of sand or a small fountain.  

Fountains can be especially beneficial in your meditation room because the gentle water sounds are soothing and can promote relaxation. 

There’s also one piece of nature that you absolutely must include… 

3. Appropriate Lighting

The lighting in your meditation space is a very important part of setting the mood. Unnatural lighting can often be harsh and distracting from your ability to turn inward. 

If possible, incorporate some form of natural lighting into your meditation space. This could be a skylight, a window, or even a light therapy lamp. This one simple addition can do wonders to your meditation practice. 

You see, human beings are drawn to natural light, probably because it is so beneficial to our health. Light from the sun offers nourishing Vitamin D and it also enhances your mood.


One way to balance the natural light in your space is to hang a piece of thin or sheer fabric over a window to diffuse the light. This allows you to reap the benefits of the natural light without having your space be so bright that it is distracting. 

If you’re meditating outside, you’ll also need to balance the amount of natural light you receive. Remember to protect your skin and your eyes from direct and prolonged sunlight.

Try hanging a curtain, sitting under an umbrella, or finding a shady spot where the natural light is still visible and plentiful, but isn’t harmful or distracting. 

Another way to add light to your space is with a candle, which will also help you with this next essential meditation space element… 

4. A Soothing Scent

There’s lots of scientific evidence that supports the role that smell can play in allowing both the body and mind to relax. And there are also lots of ways that you can bring smell into your meditation space. 

Candles are the easiest way to bring a delightful and soothing scent into your space. And they can also add to your lighting by creating a comforting and soft glow. 

There are also many different essential oils that you can incorporate into your meditation space. Whether you have a diffuser or spritz the oil into the air, these can also be an easy way to make your area feel more tranquil. 

Meditate with Lavender

Each essential oil has its own benefits… there are some that can help you with stress and anxiety, some promote a sense of calm, and some can give you energy!

Another option is to burn incense, which releases a fragrant smoke that can help you create a calming and soothing environment. 

When choosing a scent, make sure that it’s something you really enjoy. Here are some scents that specifically target your Crown Chakra, which is active and open while you are meditating: 

  • Lavender
  • Jasmine
  • Rose
  • Cedarwood
  • Rosewood
  • Sandalwood
  • Vetiver
  • Frankincense
  • Myrrh
  • Neroli

If you’re looking to balance your Crown Chakra, then try using one of the above aromatherapy scents. 

You can also balance your Crown Chakra (and all your other energy centers!) with these Reiki Meditations. These guided audios will help you eliminate energy blockages so that you can boost your health and your meditation practice. 

Click here for more on how this program helps to boost your energy. 

Reiki Meditations

Now that you have something that will delight your sense of smell, let’s turn to your sense of sight… 

5. Colors That Calm You

Remember that colors are made up of a unique energetic frequency, and those frequencies can have an effect on your own energy. 

Softer colors typically work to relax you and prepare you for meditation. Pastels are popular colors to incorporate in a meditation room. 

Bright colors can be overstimulating because they give off so much energy that you’re not able to relax enough to let your mind turn inward.  

Dark colors are also typically not used for meditation because they can make the space feel smaller and depressing.

Choosing Colors

The best colors to use are violet and purple because they correspond with your Crown Chakra!

There are lots of different ways to include color in your space. You can paint a wall, add a colorful piece of art, choose colored pillows, or pick out a candle with a pop of color. The possibilities are endless!

But no matter what color you choose or how you choose to use it, make sure that your meditation space is free from THIS...

6. An Absence of Technology 

Technology and electronic devices do not belong in your meditation space for many reasons… 

First, cell phones, computers, tablets, and other devices emit a field of energy that can disrupt or interfere with your own personal energy. These are called EMFs, or electromagnetic fields. 

Second, electronics are distracting… phones ring, notifications ping, emails make a ding. These sudden sounds can pull you out of relaxation mode and disrupt your concentration.

Meditate in Peace

With electronics in your space, you’re not able to fully turn your attention inward because you are constantly reminded of the outside world. 

And when you meditate, you want to be able to get away from everything so that you can focus on what’s going on inside yourself.

In order to be able to fully turn inward, you’ll also want to make sure that your body finds a sustainable position for the length of your meditation… 

7. A Comfortable Place to Sit

When you sit down to meditate, it’s important to consider how you are sitting, what you are sitting on, and what kind of support your body needs. 

This could be a chair, a meditation cushion, or a collection of pillows and blankets sitting on the floor. 

Comfortable Seat

Whatever it is that you choose, you want to make sure that you are comfortable and that you can have a straight spine

Physical sensations of discomfort can draw you outward and away from the subject of your meditation, so finding the right seat for your body is an important part of helping your mind to focus.

There are companies that sell cushions marketed specifically for meditation, but you can also experiment with sitting on stacks of pillows or blankets. Some people even find it easiest to meditate while seated in a chair.

You can also try to meditate while lying down... as long as you don't fall asleep!

Just remember that the most important thing is to be comfortable and to keep your spine straight so that energy can easily flow through your Chakras. 

In addition to being comfortable in your meditation space, you also want to make sure that the items you include mean something special to you… 

8. An Item of Personal Significance

Now it’s time to personalize your space by adding something that you find meaningful, inspiring, relaxing, or just beautiful. 

Personal Touch

Take some time to reflect on what’s really important or meaningful to you. Remember that you’re bringing this energy into your meditation space. 

It can be anything that you want it to be, but if you’re having trouble thinking of something, here are a few ideas to help you get started...

  • Photos of someone you are close to or has taught you much about life
  • Meaningful quotes that inspires you
  • Statues of a deity that you believe in
  • Crystals that infuse your space with a certain energy (Amethyst is great for your Crown Chakra!)
  • Sacred books that guide you
  • Mala beads that you like to meditate with
  • Artwork that brings you a sense of peace

I’ve also heard of people bringing in windchimes, prayer shawls, affirmation stones, feathers… anything goes here as long as you find it to be special and feel a connection to its energy

As you are searching for items of personal significance for your meditation room, be sure to keep this next element in mind…  

9. Openness & Simplicity

While it’s nice to have a few meaningful things, make sure you don’t go overboard. 

Try not to allow your room to accumulate clutter. Instead of bringing six items of personal significance, choose just one or two. 


You can always rotate items in and out of your meditation space. Not everything has to go in all at the same time!

If you’re familiar with the art of Feng Shui, then you may know that reducing clutter is often the first step of the process. 

Clutter creates negative energy and stress, neither of which will help you settle into a meditative state. 

So while there are lots and lots of different things that you can include in your meditation room, try to keep things as simple as possible. 

Avoiding clutter also helps to keep your space open so that positive energy can freely flow throughout.

And one of the best ways to boost your energy and your healing abilities is with these Reiki Meditations. Following these guided audios will help you enhance your mastery of Reiki so that you can help more clients in a shorter amount of time. 

If you’re looking for a simple way to strengthen your connection to the healing energies of the universe, click here to get the Reiki Meditations. 

Reiki Meditations

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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