The Benefits of Reiki
I can't stress enough how important it is to have a daily practice.
A daily practice grounds you in reality and keeps your life stable when you feel most insecure.
It helps you build your fortitude despite the fact that the world around you may be falling apart.
That's why I always recommend Reiki to people - not only is it such a great healing practice, it's something that you can always count on in times of need.
If you're reading this article because you want to know exactly why Reiki is so good for you, I'm here to tell you why.
As someone who's been practicing for over a decade, I've seen just about every case come through my door and office.
I've heard traumatic experiences that range from heart-wrenching to enlightening.
I've helped people heal from illnesses that they never thought they could recover from.
And I'm here to help more.
Whatever your reason for starting Reiki...
Whether it's to better yourself, cultivate a sense of importance...
Remove emotional or physical pain...
...or even just because you're curious - you're already on the right track.
And I've put together a free guide to get you started connecting with Reiki energy quickly. Click the image below to get it now:
But if you experience joy, happiness, or healing, is there ever really a wrong reason?
Remember that Rei is the Japanese word for higher or advanced power...and ki stands for the lifeforce energy that surrounds our universe.
This energy permeates our every being without us even knowing about harnessing this power allows us to tap into the existence of much, much more.
That's why I say that there's no wrong reason to start Reiki - people do everything for a variety of reasons.
What does matter, however, is the benefit that you experience from using Reiki.
And in this blog article, I'm going to show you some of the benefits that you can expect to receive while practicing this amazing healing art.
If you're excited to learn more, keep reading...
First, for those who are unfamiliar, let's learn about how Reiki works.
The Power of Reiki
Developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan, Reiki uses Universal Energy (Lifeforce energy that is a reflection of higher power) to heal people.
It allows you to feel at ease, reduce your stress, and feelings of pain.
It does this through our spiritual and emotional bodies - if these bodies are in pain, that it stands to reason that our physical body will manifest symptoms of the problem as well.
For example, if you were emotionally abused by a partner in the past, this has probably led to some damage in your energetic system.
If it leaks into your physical body, it can manifest as headaches, tension, and feelings of loneliness.
It can make you feel more disconnected from people, the world around you, and the Universe.
Reiki helps us channel Universal Energy back into this places to fill the void and ensure that we are safe, capable people.
The energy flows from the hands of a Reiki practitioner, who invokes energy into their palms, to the area afflicted in the client or patient.
This allows the healing energy to transfer itself without having to forcefully enter one's body.
As a result, mental clarity is established, pain relief, and an improved general sense of well-being.
However, there are also some other benefits that you may not know about!
If you want to find out what these benefits are...check out my free guide to getting started with Reiki for more information.
Click the image below to learn more.
Now, you might be thinking, "What else could there be? That's already pretty good!"
Keep reading to find out more...
Chakra Balancing
Remember that you have 7 Chakras that are located at various points throughout the body.
Most of our pain comes from when these Chakras are hurt, as they are sensitive vortices that transfer energy in and out of our body.
When the Chakras are hurt, they can be imbalanced, blocked, or even damaged.
Reiki helps us to restore balance to these Chakras by using Universal Energy.
I once had a student who came to me with breathing issues, and I did a Reiki Scan to see where she was most hurting.
It was very clear that her Solar Plexus Chakra was affected by a certain ailment.
She had experienced breathing issues since she was a child, so it might have stemmed from an injury back then.
When we did our Reiki session, I channelled Universal Energy into her Solar Plexus...
...and with a few sessions, she was able to breathe normally!
Here's a great Reiki technique for Chakra Balancing that you can try if you'd like.
It's one of my favorites and its easy enough for people who have absolutely no experience with Reiki to try.
Start by laying down on your bed, floor, or couch. Anywhere comfortable is fine for you.
Take your hands and clasp them together over your forehead.
Imagine a bright light opening up from the sky and pouring into your hands.
With every 10 breathes, move your hands (still clasped) down the center line of your body.
Stop at each of these places and take another 10 breaths.
- Your Nose
- Your Throat
- Your Heart
- Your Solar Plexus
- Your Navel
- Your Groin
If your hands feel cold at any one of these places, your Chakras may need some work done!
Anxiety & Depression Relief
When we suffer from anxious or depressive feelings...
...these feelings are rooted in an energetic imbalance.
Similar to how our Chakras can be affected, it can be difficult to tell whether the pain comes from the emotional body or the Chakras themselves.
However, once you become more advanced as a Reiki practitioner, you will be able to perform Scans and see where someone is hurting.
In most cases of anxiety and depression, the pain is felt in one's emotional body.
Reiki helps us absolve this pain through channeling Universal Energy through this field, like a breeze in a meadow.
Many people report that their anxiety and depression reduce significantly after just a few Reiki sessions... that's more than any antibiotic I've heard of!
Here's a great Reiki technique that can help you reduce your feeling of anxiety and depression.
Find a comfortable spot to sit down. This can be in a chair, a floor - wherever you feel can allow you to relax completely.
Now, as you breathe in and out through your nose, calmly think about someone that you really love.
Send them positive energy by saying out loud, "I wish you happiness, a sense of well-being, and love."
Now, think of someone who you haven't really seen or talked to in a long time.
Send them positive energy by saying out loud, "I wish you happiness, a sense of well-being, and love."
Now, think of someone who you don't like whatsoever.
Send them positive energy by saying out loud, "I wish you happiness, a sense of well-being, and love."
This exercise can be hard, but it can teach you how to be good to others...and act as a compassionate model for yourself in the end.
If you'd like to build on this ability, I sincerely hope that you check out the free Ultimate Guide to Connecting with Reiki Energy.
It's my gift to you for the next step in your healing journey.