How To Perform A Self-Healing Session
As a Reiki Master, I've learned that Reiki is usually best done while self-healing.
There are many methods, but I prefer the Usui Method that Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, used himself to develop Reiki.
There are many teachers out there with different healing methods...
...but for some reason, everyone likes to keep Reiki a secret - as if the world does not need more healing energy.
I find this to be a bit ironic, especially since Reiki was developed to heal ourselves and others who are in need.
I've seen it work on all kinds of people - from a woman suffering from MS to an elderly individual who recently started to feel less joint pain - and I have no doubt in my mind that Reiki can change the world for the better.
Chances are that you feel the same way.
In this blog post, I'll reveal a basic method for people to begin self-healing and walk you through, step-by-step, on how to perform a self-healing session.
However, you need to remember that self-healing sessions are only a small part of what Reiki healers do...
...and to get the full benefit of Reiki, you need to understand LifeForce Energy Optimization.
In essence, you also need to prepare your energy before a session and after one as well.
Otherwise, you risk negating all that you have done.
Remember to review the Chakra Line to familiarize yourself with the different Chakras and each Chakra function.
Once you've reviewed these two steps, we can begin the self-healing session.
Again, this is only one example of a process you can develop using the Usui Method, so there are infinite possibilities.
You may need to experiment on yourself to see what works for you.
If you want to receive a full primer and education on what this process looks like (so that you don't have to go sifting through a dozen different resources), make sure to learn about my Reiki Home Course.
It's simply the quickest and best way to start using Reiki to heal yourself (even without an attunement) and kickstart your life as a Reiki Healer.
If you're scared to make the jump, that's okay - give it some time to become a serious devotee to this practice first and then take a look at it.
However, if you are interested in the slightest...take a look at the course over here by clicking this link now.
Note: even though I stress the importance of the Original Usui Method, there is no incorrect way to do Reiki.
There are simply more effective and less effective ways to perform healing.
This is an important distinction because you want the best method to start healing without having to study for years and years like I did.
That being said...keep these things in mind before you begin.
Put your hands down and the energy will go where it is needed.
Keep them on a position until the energy flow changes and you are directed to move to the next place.
If you are unable to do a position, or it is uncomfortable to reach one or more, go on to the next.
If you are unable to bend your arms and body well enough to do the back, do only the front. Don't make it harder on yourself.
In short - Reiki healing can be done simply by putting your hands where the pain is and around the affected area.
People will differ on where they prefer to start, but you can either start at the head and move down towards the feet...
...or vice-versa. It is only your preference.
For each of the following examples, take these important notes into consideration.
The Head
If you've been suffering from headaches, migranes, or certain pains in the head, your Crown or Third Eye Chakras may be severely affected.
To heal these parts and prevent further injury, take these steps to try and remove the pain.
First, slightly cup your hands and place them gently over, but not pressing on, your eyes.
Hold the position until the energy sensations that develop stop. This usually takes about 5 minutes.
This first position balances the left and right sides of the brain, and is wonderful for headaches and eyestrain. It also covers the Third Eye Chakra.
Next, move your hands to the sides of your face. Your thumbs rest just beneath the ears...
...and your palms cover the cheeks.
Again, wait for the energy cycle to complete. This is almost an instictive way to place your hands and is extremely comforting.
Remember that you won't be able to do this 'wrong' if you mess up a step or two. It'll be less effective, but over time...
...and with practice...'ll be able to do these perfectly.
Next move your hands to the back of your head, cupping the 'bowl' of your head in the back. This covers the Third Eye Chakra's 'back' portal and parts of the crown.
Again, wait until the energy perturbations clear.
Now that you've covered the head, we'll move on to the upper body.
If you want to dive more in-depth to the Reiki healing practice and learn the fastest way to do so, take a look at the Reiki Home Course I've developed. Hundreds of thousands of people have used it to great success.
You can take a look at it by clicking this link here.
The Upper Body
If you feel a bit out of breath, dizziness when you stand up too fast, or even crinks and joint pain, chances are that your Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakra may be in need of a release.
Blocked energy in these parts leads to slowed blood circulation, which may prevent your body from receiving the nutrients it needs to get from what you eat and from your daily practice.
It's important to clear any energy blockages at their first symptom so that you don't need to get psychic surgery or anything that may potentially harm your energetic flow.
Start by slight cupping your hands over your own throat.
This may cause a slight panic to some people who have faced trauma - if that is the case, place your hands instead over your collarbone below it.
Stay here until the energetic disturbances stop. Remember to hover your hands if the feeling is too strong.
The next position is ONLY done for self-healing around the Heart Chakra.
The Heart Chakra is extremely if someone comes to you asking for help to heal their Heart Chakra, kindly decline.
It is better healed using self-healing principles anyway.
When healing the heart, place your hands over your chest on top of one another.
Think kind thoughts to yourself during this time.
If you've been through something especially disheartening like a breakup or a fight with someone that you care about, spend a bit of extra time here to care for your wounded spirit.
Next, you'll want to move towards the Solar Plexus.
Place your hands in opposite directions with fingers facing over your lower ribs, just below the breasts.
Anatomically, your right hand is over your liver and gallbladder and your left over your pancreas, spleen, and stomach.
You may hear some internal rumbling at this moment or feel 'hungry'.
Relax with it and do not focus on feelings of hunger or the rumbling.
After 5 minutes or so, move them over the waist closer towards the Root Chakra...
...and after 5 minutes here, move them to cover the pelvic bones and the last Chakra itself.
At this point, you may be asking - what about the Sacral Chakra?
Remember that this is an example healing session, and I can't go into all the details of what a session would entail, simply for lack of time.
However, you can use these same Reiki hand positions to treat other parts of the body as well, such as your feet, legs, and shoulders...
...even though they don't have a Chakra related to them.
You can learn all of this and more if you take the Reiki Home Course, which is available here.
It's been called, 'the fastest way to learn Reiki' without spending thousands and thousands of dollars on tuition and years of practice and study. You can take a look at it by clicking here if you're interested.