The Kundalini Awakening


Most people will never experience the Kundalini awakening.

In fact, most people have no idea what it is to begin with...

...this can lead to many problems because of how important this energy is to our wellbeing.

The Kundalini is not something outside of us - it is not external from ourselves.

It's actually a part of innate part of our hidden nature.

It's our primal energy. 

To uncover and unlock this energy takes years and years of dedication and cleansing.

I know this because it took me years to even begin to understand what the Kundalini was and the importance of such energy.

So you're probably thinking to yourself, "how can I understand it then? What can I do to bring about this energy?"

You're about to find out...

The Kundalini

This primal energy is inside of you...

...but it is a deep part of the world too.

Kundalini Release

Just as our molecules were once a part of the stars, the Kundalini is also a part of the Universe.

In addition to our Chakras, the Kundalini is our gateway into accessing and harnessing the energy from this realm.

It is what unifies us as human beings.

It is where our sense of 'self' dissolves...

illusions lay down in the wake of reality...

and you begin to move towards a sense of wholeness in the world.

It's reputed to have been like this for thousands and thousands of years, before the Kundalini was ever theorized to exist.

Now that spiritual and energetic healing are becoming more popular, this particular topic is of interest to many people.

However, existing writings on it are muddled and filled with things that aren't true.

You might have read one of these articles before that told you to do 90 certain exercises to awaken your if you needed all that.

I take a bit of a different approach.

Let me be the first to tell you - it takes years to even begin to reach the outskirts of the Kundalini.

That's because years of trauma, guilt, memories, and all other kinds of stuff prevent us from reaching the core of this energy.

When I learned this, I realized just how important it was to strive to awaken the Kundalini - 

Not in terms of an enlightenment or an 'ah-hah!' but rather as a way to uncover our truest selves...and awaken our dormant abilities.

While trying to awaken the Kundalini, many people equate the process to a purification, and I happen to agree.

You must purge all that is negative and that is holding you back...

...and allow the true self to flourish.

To purge yourself of these pains, you must begin healing.

If you're interested, I offer a Reiki course that you can take at home to start healing immediately. 

It's what hundreds of thousands have used already to feel the amazing benefits of Reiki.

You can learn more about why it's been so highly rated by clicking the link here or image below.


In this blog article, I'll show you the principles towards opening your Kundalini.

It will take a while, but with practice, gratitude, and action, but you too will one day be able to access this magnificent energy.

Keep in mind that some people may never open this primal energy.

If you don't follow these might be one of them.

So do your best to follow them as best as you can without compromise, and you will reap the benefit that so few people are able to reach.

You'll be one of the rare individuals who can channel this energy into their life.

Now, let's start with the first principle...invite the energy.

1. Invite The Kundalini

The first step towards awakening the Kundalini is to invite it to reveal itself to you.

Most people associate feeling the Kundalini emerging from their lower stomach, but remember that this primal energy is different for everyone.

Just as everyone comes with a different set of arms and legs, everyone comes with a different pathway and Kundalini.

Yours may differ from your friends or your family...but don't let that sway you.

You must invite the Kundalini to come out to you.

If you're confused, let me explain.

If you go looking for the Kundalini, it will not be there. This energy almost has a will of its own...and only seeks to awaken to those who call its name.

When you invite the Kundalini, you give the primal energy permission to infuse with you... become fully integrated with you.

Food & Elixir

At this very moment, your Kundalini is probably with you, but existing in your spiritual or energetic body.

The goal is to invite it to come into your physical body as you can make the most of out it. 

To invite this energy, you must take the time to do so.

Whenever you are engaged into your Reiki practice, ask to feel the Kundalini as part of your intention setting.

You can also channel Universal Energy into your palms and do a body-scan to see any troublesome areas.

Ask the Kundalini to reveal itself whenever you do this...and it just might.

I remember having one student tell me that he felt the Kundalini arise and fall again.

This is normal - your primal energy is probably stagnant from being underused for so long.

Give it time to come out, but make sure that you call for its name.

Next, we'll focus on how the physical invites the spiritual...

2. Energetic Nutrition

I've written about this before as a primer for your physical health.

However, your physical nutrition also plays a major role in how your spiritual and energetic bodies receive nutrition as well.


Just as physical problems manifest as a result of energetic issues...

...spiritual and energetic issues can emerge as a result of physical nutrition (or lack thereof).

So pay close attention to what you're eating.

Too much bread, junk food, salt, factory farmed animals, etc often lead to spiritual malnutrition...and can prevent the Kundalini from awakening.

Just remember that what you eat is just as important as taking care of your emotional, spiritual, and energetic health.

I advise finding a great teacher who can help you in this regard and make your goals a bit more clear.

If you can't or don't have access to good teachers, I offer a home course that's just as beneficial - and you can take it from the comfort of your own home.

It's what hundreds of thousands have used already to feel the amazing benefits of Reiki.

You can learn more about why it's been so highly rated by clicking the link here or image below.


3. Movement

Remember that the Kundalini is your innate primal energy...

An energy that desires to move...

That desires to break boundaries and transcend them.

Many Reiki practitioners I know are great at channeling energy...but when it comes to taking care of their physical bodies, they crumble.

Now, keep in mind that physical inactivity can be a result of energetic, emotional, or spiritual blockages, and that it is of utmost importance to take care of that first.

However, one of the best ways that I've discovered to work towards awakening the Kundalini involves physical movement.

You don't necessarily need to weight lift, swim, or even go to the gym.


All you need to do is simply move more. 

Far too often do we find ourselves in sedentary lives...

...this has to change if we actually want to live to an old age.

You can choose any movement practice (yoga, tai chi, aikido, etc) you'd like, but it's just important that you learn and become better.

The Kundalini is attracted to this kind of primal the more that you bring it out, the higher chance you have of actually awakening the Kundalini.

Otherwise, you may never find it.

If you want something else to help change your life and are ready to make the change, Reiki is a great practice that you can learn on your own.

It's what I teach on my Reiki Home Course - in just a few short weeks, you can become certified to use Reiki for yourself and for others.

You can learn more about why it's been so highly rated by clicking the link here or image below.


Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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