How Reiki Can Treat PTSD

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PTSD, or Post Traumatic-Stress Disorder affects hundreds of thousands of people each and every single day.

It's saddening how rampant this is, due to everything from war and rape to emotional abuse and stress.

I've made it my mission to heal everyone that I possibly can through Reiki...

...and those who suffer from PTSD are not excluded from this group.

In fact, I've made it a priority to heal those with PTSD, as this can cause many problems for the future.

Most unfortunate is when someone succumbs to the pressure and takes their precious, sentient life away.

In today's blog post, I want to cover how Reiki can help with PTSD.

For many people with PTSD, they've tried nearly every solution to no avail - so it makes sense why they would be skeptical when going in for a Reiki treatment or session.

It can feel as though you've exhausted every possible option...

...only to have the symptoms pop back up again.

Fortunately, I've seen some great results with my clients who have PTSD, and I will show you some steps that I've taken to ensure that my clients are taken care of.

Use these to the best of your not fret if they do not work at first.

Alternatively, you can give my /lp/reiki-meditationsReiki Meditations a shot. They've worked for many people this past year, and I'm extremely proud of them.

Click below to learn more.

Reiki Meditations

Remember that PTSD is one of the most severe problems affecting our world today, and it will not go down without a fight.

You can only continue to master these principles and techniques until they work flawlessly.

Now let's begin by understanding PTSD...

The Source of PTSD

PTSD can be understood psychologically, neurologically, or even sociologically.

However, in this article, we will take an energetic approach to PTSD.

Since PTSD is formed after a generally traumatic experience, event, or series of memories, this can take a toll on one's energetic body.

The damage formed here can be catastrophic...and many do not heal or repair even after multiple attempts at healing.

Think of the energetic body as an outline around your current, physical body.

Tiger Healing

As you gain memories and recollect events from the past, your mind remembers the pattern of events that occurred.

For example, let's say that, as a child, you were bit by a dog.

Your body remembers this act and every time you see a dog now, your palms get sweaty and your heart rate goes up, even though you may be okay with dogs mentally.

This is because the body has learned and associated dogs with pain.

Likewise, the energetic body reacts in a very similar pattern.

If something damages the energetic body, the energetic body will remember this pain and its source.

A Reiki Healer's job is to heal whereever one feels this pain through two ways:

  • Channeling healing energy into the body
  • Dissociating the pain from the source

Each of these can happen in any order, so it is up to the healer to decide which route the client needs to take.

Most people opt to channel healing energy in first to absorb any lingering wounds or trauma, and then begin the process of dissociation. 

This can manifest itself in the form of energetic surgery or a host of other techniques.

In this article, I'll show you two techniques that have worked for me in the past and may be able to help you.

Note: healing PTSD is one of the toughest, yet most rewarding parts of being a Reiki healer. When you see the changed look on people's faces after a is pure joy.

If you're suffering from PTSD yourself and want to absolve this pain...try out my Reiki Meditations. It's one of the best Reiki tools out there.

Click below to learn more.

Reiki Meditations

Now, we'll learn how to channel healing energy into the body...

Universal Invocation

If you're an advanced Reiki practitioner, this invocation may sound familiar - it's one of the most basic ones that we use...but with a twist.

Since we are treating someone (or perhaps yourself) with PTSD, you need to make sure that you adjust your treatments accordingly.

You do want to practice your techniques to hone them...but if you don't adjust them to the client, then you are just practicing to practice and not actually doing anything.


Make sure to make this adjustment to your invocation.

As always, start off by setting your intentions

This clears the space and divides your personal energy from the Universal Energy.

Remember that sending your personal energy, as well intended as you may be, is extremely dangerous.

Always, always use Universal Energy for any treatment and resist the urge to use your own to heal someone else.

As you set your intention, make it clear that you want to heal PTSD.

Universal Energy is amazing in that it has the ability to adjust itself to any need.

However, as a healer, you need to be able to call on that energy to do so.

Just like how a dog, cat, or human may be able to understand language and learn how to communicate, you need to train yourself to call on Universal Energy to adjust at will.

In this case, it could be something as simple as, "Please use this energy for PTSD recovery."

It doesn't need to be complicated - keep it simple.

When you invoke this energy, send it throughout the entire body.

You may, with their consent, send energy to the places where they are truly hurt, but you want to keep the first few sessions light.

Remember that they know their body better than you, and it is not your job to force energy in. They need to accept it.

As you channel this energy into their body, remember to maintain your intention throughout the entire treatment.

This will ensure that they get the most out of it.

When you close the treatment, seal the healing with your intent again.


Your partner may experience a feeling of relief or content-ness. Be sure to ask them how they feel to make sure that they are in safe condition.

Next, we'll learn how to dissociate the energetic body from pain.


Disclaimer: this technique is only for advanced healers.

If you haven't yet reached at least Level II, please do so first.

Otherwise, use this as a template for when you do reach a higher level.

Dissociation is when you remove negative energy from an energetic body.

It takes multiple sessions to work, and acts like a snake shedding its skin, one layer at a time.

To perform this technique, make sure that after you invoke energy into your palms...

From Mud

...that you 'wash' or 'wipe' away the negative energy from your client.

They may feel cold or a brisk breeze past by them  as you do this.

Always remember to replace this negative energy with Universal Energy. 

Thank the client and seal the healing.

These two techniques have been used by me and others in the field for many years now.

Practice them first to make sure you remember the motions before attempting on a live client.

If you're in search of healing, try my personal Reiki Meditations.

It's worked for many others before and I'd love for you to have another chance at life.

You can click here or below to learn more.

Reiki Meditations

Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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