Becoming A Reiki Master

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I often receive questions from students, clients, and others on many different subjects.

Today, I want to address one particular question that I had to take a lot of time to consider.

"How do you become a Reiki Master?"

Of course, I could answer this easily in terms of my own experience - you need to find a certified or qualified Reiki Master to teach you...

Learn the terminology and techniques...

Study for countless hours...

Recite and memorize theoretical applications...

Practice, practice, practice...

Study some more...

And eventually, after putting your life's work into it, you can become a Reiki Master.

Now, if you're thinking this is super difficult - trust me, I know what its like since I lived through it.

However, I do think that there is an easier way.

You see, Dr. Mikao Usui created Reiki to make life easier...not harder.

Fulfilling Our Life Task

For some reason or another, we've seemed to conflate the two together - as though making life harder will make you more resilient or strong.

I think this is a big lie because it causes us to be inefficient and demands a lot on our energy and emotions.

Rather than take the hard route...I think it's better to take the route that will teach you the most in the shortest amount of time.

In this way, you'll be able to live life freely and liberated.

It's wrong to think that simply putting more effort into something will make you a master - it takes much more than that.

In this article, I'm going to show you several tips that you can use on your journey to become a master.

Now, whether you want to make life harder on yourself is up to you.

However, I'm of the opinion that if you can simplify the nature of things...including Reiki...'ll be much happier as a result.

If you're ready to invite this growth into your life...I highly recommend that you check out my Guided Healing Sessions.

It's the easiest and fastest way to get started with Reiki today. You can check it out here.


Now, onto becoming a master...

What is your intent?

In Reiki, we have a saying that we use before any Reiki healing session.

Before you begin the process with a student or client, you must always set your intention.

Now, this intention can be as simple as, "I want my student or client to feel the healing of Universal Energy" to something as complicated as, "Allow the Universal Energy to permeate the ethereal layers of this world and channel itself into the palms of my hand to adminster its healing nature to recover this person's my ego from this healing and allow this energy to do the rest."

Whichever one you prefer is fine. 

However, the key to making this work (and becoming a master as a result), is that you must know your intent.

Whatever you decide is up to you...but you must know and commit to this intent.

It's what separates the amateurs from the masters.

This can be uncomfortable for some, because it forces us to own up to what we say and do.

Turn Poison Into Medicine

For me, however, this is liberating...because now all I have to do is simply do what I said I would do!

In life, we may often see these decisions as difficult. In fact, this is where most people falter and default for the safer option.

To do this is a disservice to yourself though...and you'll never become a master as a result.

This applies to Reiki as much as it does to your job, your friends, or even a relationship with your significant other.

You need to understand your intent and the action that needs to arise from that intent

If not, you may never become who you truly are supposed to be.

You'll spend your life wondering how you got there...and then 20 years down the road, lament at your mistakes.

Thankfully, there's a way around this - and Reiki can help us work through these problems. 

As a practitioner, you have the chance to become someone new - someone who can help people for who they are...and find yourself as a result.

This is the meaning of asking yourself, "what is your intent?"

Because the underlying question is, "what is your purpose?"

If you're ready to undertake this path...then you need to check out the new and improved Guided Healing Sessions.

It's been proven to be the quickest way for people to begin their journey into Reiki...check it out here NOW.

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This leads me to my next point...

Your Life Task

You were meant to be on this Earth for a reason.

It's a belief that I've tested many, many times on all of my students. All of them yield the same result - when you know what your purpose is, you know what your Life Task is.

For those who are unfamiliar, your Life Task is simply your life's mission.

What is it that you set to accomplish? What will people remember you for? 

This Life Task is up to you to be discovered - masters and mentors can give you guidance, but ultimately it is up to the individual to uncover what they are meant to do.

To become a Master, you must understand and know what your Life Task is.

Don't just guess at it - really understand what you are here for...your purpose...and you will find clarity.

People use Reiki to discover the meaning behind their life task because it allows them to see things from a different perspective.

Do Not Be Swayed

It allows them to tap into a nature that was covered for so long...they had no chance to come out!

However, to discover what your Life Task is, you must go out and search for it.

Search within within within the world all around you.

The more you hold your intent close...the more likely you are to find whatever this Life Task is for you.

Once you discover what your Life Task realize that you are truly responsible for everything you experience in life.

The trauma that you experienced can be healed.

The pain that you feel can be ameliorated.

The hardship that you have endured can make you stronger.

This is the most empowering aspect of Reiki and the journey towards becoming a Master - because you are in control of everything, you can liberate yourself from the prison of the world around you.

You can live as a higher being acting through a temporal body...

...and become fully free.

To Become A Master

To Become a Master then, is not to gain control of Reiki or Universal Energy... is to master such control that you no longer need to control it.

This may sound a bit difficult to understand, but bear with me.

Far too many people have the urge and need to control everything in their life: their significant other, their children, their workplace, their friends, etc...

...because they fear insecurity.

They want to stay safe so badly that they would sacrifice anything that makes them feel an inch of insecurity.

As a result, they box themselves in...and never truly experience the beauty of life.

Real masters know that control over everything is not freedom - it is setting oneself into another pattern of prison.

You're probably thinking to yourself, "then does this mean I shouldn't learn how to control my invocations or Reiki energy?"

Of course not - this couldn't be further from the truth.

Rather, it is through the act of control that we can find freedom...

...freedom from our pain, sorrow, and anxiety. 

So you must understand your desire to become a master, to control the world around you and yourself...

...and become so good at it, that all at once, you relinquish control entirely.

That's how you become a Reiki Master...

If this sounds like something that you're interested in and you're serious about taking your Reiki to the next level...then you MUST try my Guided Healing Sessions. There's no risk in trying them...and you can find out more by clicking here NOW.

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Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson is the creator of Reiki Infinite Healer. Over the last 4 years Dave and his team have helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their wellbeing, recover from illness, connect with their spiritual selves, and learn to heal with the amazing art of Reiki. Dave is a highly sought after healer and teacher, who's work has impacted the lives, health and relationships of individuals and their families in over 200 different countries.

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